no, not really. I think the BAF is pretty awesome.
- good rp
- sense of humour, not all that uptight srs bns stuff.
- not too triggerhappy
- they actually hire mercs and hunters and don't go 'lol no, sod off' like so many other factions do
- they have a useless, incompetent admiral who is a blatant embarresment, which rules
- always a hoot to fly with/ against.
loved the fight today (dublin), but BS restocking smaller stuff and running from a handful of fighters and their minirazors to essex kinda ruined the whole vibe. other than that, pretty fun - as usual (sun)
' Wrote:loved the fight today (dublin), but BS restocking smaller stuff and running from a handful of fighters and their minirazors to essex kinda ruined the whole vibe. other than that, pretty fun - as usual (sun)
Once the indians were defeated I reevaluated our forces to match the corsairs.
My will : I left the fight 5 vs 5, the team including one cadet, one molly and three BAFs. I also let two more BAF and a merc to watch the scene and to jump in if needed (like disconnection or a corsair reinforcments), then told the whole rest of the fleet to leave the place, including Earl.Of.Dundonald.
What happened : our forces pretty much did it, except for the Earl who stayed. It's a shame you couldn't finish him off, because I do not appreciate the lack for discipline:D
Seriously, I will look onto this. Take care chaps !
I didnt fall back because I simply didnt see the order given.
that is it, in a group of 15+ people, there was text all over the show, i couldnt follow it anymore and try to concentrate on whats happening around me at the same time.
Actually great at their job. Always have and always will be. A faction that focuses strongly on teaching new comers and helping people that need help, as well as roleplaying either out side of pvp combat or during it.