Quote:Instead of rushing to the forums to voice your (unwanted) complaints, you could do some of the following.
1) Quit. - Boredom doesnt last forever, I will always be back - Reset IP/Mac Adress or not.
2) Learn to fly a Fighter. - I have, and failed. Many times.
3) Donate your Battleships to charity (Me). Powertrade more, I've been here three years and my net worth is ~3.5 billion credits. Sad I know. Lazy on a Video Game..
4) Play Fallout New Vegas. - Possible =P
And tons of other stuff. There's a world outside of your parents basement you know. Go live in it. Join a sports team. Shave your mustache! So many things to do.
=P and im never shavin my <strike>peach fuzz</strike> 'mustache', The nickname Mustachio fits too well on Skype.
Anyways, I already got my answer and It made me feel a little better - there are other people as bored as me, waiting for something new to <strike>buy 5 of</strike> RP with.