Well, lots of people still haven't realized that it's Rogues, not Rouges.
Also, now that we have a french house, I realize the people really do not have a single clue about proper french. My eyes are bleeding everytime I see pics or RP about it.
More on subject, I've realized some 8 months ago that I could skim through subtargets by assigning a key. quite useful
I only recently figured out you could strafe up and down too. Quite handy when using craft like the Nyx which have a hitbox that is wide, and not high. Survivability++;
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
I made my first million doing low level mission in a manta with no armor and xeno weapons, during two weeks I spent hours getting money by missions; then I realized trading was profitable and I cried of happyness :mellow:
After having FL for years and years I only found out last year that you can unbuckle weapons and items. I used to just sell everything (battleship licence ect) and rebuy it to have it installed on my ship >.<
' Wrote:A few days ago, I just realized that I can hit the ESC key to cancel some of the videos of docking on planets and stuff... I can't believe I didn't know that ><
' Wrote:After having FL for years and years I only found out last year that you can unbuckle weapons and items. I used to just sell everything (battleship licence ect) and rebuy it to have it installed on my ship >.<
Both are win...:crazy:The Second thing was a bit expensive over the years, i guess. Ough, that hurts.
' Wrote:There is Lvl Number :O.o??
Thank again for sharing my ex-problem... welcome to the club!:yu:
Generally it seems, most people here have had the trade-lane-light-problem... but others are also creativ in having various blind spots.
It took me a year to work out that the directions the dashes go on the trade lanes in minimaps actually means.
Also I still don't know how to group weapons. Noticed it in the controls menu but never needed to use it. I just use shift and 1 - 8 to switch off and on what I want to use.
Also I didn't noticed until a while ago you can actually lock your thruster on ...
I still can't get used to fact that formation doesn't allow you to control your ship one little bit. It has been reason for more than one funny death:
*hits formation on group member 4k away*
*ship decides to cut corner through a planet*
*hits spacebar and jerks mouse to side*
*goes "wha...?" when nothing happens*
I've seen worse with the formation bugs. Hillarious moment a long time ago me and a mate had formed up in defenders with someone in anouther fighter going to show us where to get some better equipment.
Whilst exiting a trade lane the guy jerked left suddenly hitting my ship. My auto-pilot quickly tried to correct it sending me flying left and smashing into my mate on my left wing. His auto-pilot did exaclty what mine did, only instead of colideing with anouther ship. He colided with a planet.