I must admit that I never noticed the red/green lights until my gf (having seen a tradelane for the first time ever, apparently she has eagle vision) pointed them out to me.
And just about everything else mentioned on this thread was never noticed/used by myself in the 4 years I repeated the comparatively boring vanilla sp campaign.
My arrival to discovery (the server actually, cuz when I first dl'ed the mod, I continued to play sp for some god-forsaken reason...can't stomach the lonely feelings I get whenever I load the disco sp campaign up now, so won't play FL SP ever again.) taught me about engine kill, weapons groups, and some other minor features.
Others, including the barrel roll and that little level number next to ships (which I've seen on several occasions but never made the connection, so I was actually going into chat, hitting players, scrolling down until I found the individual, by which time said individual was usually 10k away and laughing as he referred to me as something known as a LolWut....were all n00blets at some point, no?), I learned from this thread
For the record, I still haven't learned exactly what LolWut means, but I assume it's when some n00b just starts shooting without rping or several of the other rules most people don't know when first starting out and the only thing an experienced disco player can do is shake his head in disapproval and say "LOL, what?" Is this interpretation correct?
Last, but definitely not least (if anything I would say most), I learned that all of my piloting skills that I had accumulated in SP basically counted for **** and I had my arse handed too me many, many times ( I still lose most engagements, I'll admit, but I have gotten much better since my first day on the server), forcing me to throw away practically everything I knew about dogfighting and start over from scratch....
' Wrote:About the weapon groups: I got it, how to do. Shortly before i have founded my shop - so as dont need the knowfedge about that, i forgot again. I will read this tutorial again, when i ever should need it: Here or here.
And for the moving lanes: Do you have the gfx preferences in game set to maximum? Or is your PC an old one perhaps? I remember, that i saw this first on my friends PC. My machine was a bit too small to show it.
All people have started as beginners, and some of them still have something more to learn. As we can see here in this thread.
Thank you. The lane-related effects are now visible (hope it would not slow my PC down). Weapon groups - will try.
Feel free to PM me regarding any grammar/spelling/other language mistakes I have made in my posts.
When I first played the game, it took me a good 3 days to realise you could get through a tradelane, I thought they were just for show. Yes I know you dock with some at the start of the game, it is mandatory, but I paid little attention and was left cruising through systems, wondering why it was so slow. Also I realised a Tachyon weapon isn't physically possible, if tachyons could become a weapon, then they would hit the vessel before you fired O_O
Dream Theater - "Sabre120 and Jongleur officially win. That is all."
' Wrote:When I first played the game, it took me a good 3 days to realise you could get through a tradelane, I thought they were just for show. Yes I know you dock with some at the start of the game, it is mandatory, but I paid little attention and was left cruising through systems, wondering why it was so slow. Also I realised a Tachyon weapon isn't physically possible, if tachyons could become a weapon, then they would hit the vessel before you fired O_O
' Wrote:I must admit that I never noticed the red/green lights until my gf (having seen a tradelane for the first time ever, apparently she has eagle vision) pointed them out to me.
Ha, guilty.
I also spent a couple weeks trying to figure out why my barrel roll keys weren't working, until I realized that you have to be in cockpit view.
' Wrote:Well, lots of people still haven't realized that it's Rogues, not Rouges.
THANK YOU!!! I die a little inside every time that I see someone misspell it.
' Wrote:More on subject, I've realized some 8 months ago that I could skim through subtargets by assigning a key. quite useful
You can?! Teach me your hacker secrets!
' Wrote:I've seen worse with the formation bugs. Hillarious moment a long time ago me and a mate had formed up in defenders with someone in anouther fighter going to show us where to get some better equipment.
Whilst exiting a trade lane the guy jerked left suddenly hitting my ship. My auto-pilot quickly tried to correct it sending me flying left and smashing into my mate on my left wing. His auto-pilot did exaclty what mine did, only instead of colideing with anouther ship. He colided with a planet.
I was loling for ages.
Not really a blind spot, but I once saw a Hegemon stop docking with a gate while it was opening. The arms closed and crushed it to death. Funniest thing that I have ever seen in disco.
' Wrote:Not really a blind spot, but I once saw a Hegemon stop docking with a gate while it was opening. The arms closed and crushed it to death. Funniest thing that I have ever seen in disco.
This has happened to me once in my Shire while trying to get out of Dublin. I didn't dock at the right angle and got stuck, took too long reversing my way out, and then thing clamped down and chomped me to bits.
Another idiotic thing I did when I first started playing was when I was following CR trade convoy. I was talking to one of them about joining and had myself in formation with one since I didn't know where they were going.
While I was talking about joining, the convoy passed near a planet. I knew when you set a course, the autopilot takes you around a planet (or star) so you don't die. Well, I didn't know that this didn't work when you were in formation with someone. The autopilot worked for them, but it made me grind into the atmosphere. Needless to say...BOOM.