The Liberty Navy has ousted me from its science team, taking my credit balance, work, and life from me.
Call me Sundancer. I was involved in a branch of the Liberty Navy logistics team. I think I ruffled some feathers with... unorthodox work methods... now I sit inside the Mactan base within the Magellan system.
I heard your call. I want in.
I made a few contacts in Rochester, fighting Xenos ships and then, Liberty Police patrols. Picked 'em off one at a time.
Eventually, I arrived at Buffalo base. After a few exchanges of fire between the rogues and myself, we called peace, and I learned to be a villain.
The Navy has me marked out for death, I know it. I know you oppose them, and the rest of those idiots.
I have the dagger, I have the firepower to be an asset of the Lane Hackers. Let me work for you. I want revenge exacted upon those dolts. I feel I can be an important part of the team.
bootstrap1. END
initiate cloak_AND.dagger
Greetings, fellow technically-minded circumventors of law and society. My name is... an absurd jumble of syllables for which I harbor no attachment, so call me Jalor. Mine is a long tale, primarily because I cannot bring myself to tell a short one. I am and always have been verbose to the point of being sesquipedalian.
Some of the younger readers might recognize my 'name' as the host of various servers for pirated online multiplayer games. Those were indeed my handiwork, and indubitably did far more to help the youth than the school computers they were before I repurposed them. They said I had a Pathological Aversion to Authority; the school brought in a psychologist all the way from New London to diagnose me. I asked him to explain in detail what each word meant; I already knew, but I liked to hear his funny accent. I also remember trying to explain to him that cops were just grown-up playground bullies, and that seizing Cardamine was a natural progression from stealing other kids' toys.
Indeed, I was an interesting kid. So interesting, in fact, that Ageira offered me an internship with a shot at later becoming a programmer. An offer that I accepted, for I was still idealistic enough to think I would be solving problems there. That, and the manipulative corporate scumbags sent the prettiest girl in the entire frakking branch to recruit interns. It's almost as though they expected to be trying to convince bashful, awkward, lonely adolescent males to join.
At first Ageira didn't seem to be unpleasant. Sure, I spent 16 hours a day doing mindless drudgery, but don't all interns face a body of work as vast and vacuous as space itself? Sure, I worked in cubicle hell and wasn't even allowed to listen to music with a headset, but Ageira's low-level employees (myself included) jump at every possible excuse to let loose and I sold warez and Cardamine on the side to afford the nightlife. Sure, we didn't get any chance to eat during our workday, but... well, there's nothing I can even pretend is an upside to that. Whenever I got ravenous or indignant enough to be distracted, I would ravage the computer network with bitter and often sophomoric humor. I found it cruelly ironic when nobody attempted to revert my changes to the employee database, where I changed my job description to 'code monkey' and my home address to that of the Central Park Zoo.
For two years I toiled for my capitalist slave-drivers and conducted numerous experiments regarding the effects on the human body and mind of Cardamine in conjunction with Sidewinder Fangs. But then a member of the board came across some rather scandalous video footage of himself at one of my better we-actually-finished-a-project celebrations. My employment was always balanced on the proverbial razor's edge in a proverbial earthquake of misconduct, so it was only natural that he send the blame in my direction. Suing me for slander and legally questioning my mental health, on the other hand, was like overclocking a computer to run a word processor.
The lawsuit would have stripped me of all my savings and possessions, but I owned nothing legally and used my meager paycheck only to pay rent and utilities; I could live with that. Unfortunately for me, diagnoses of mental illness can land someone in an institution regardless of how funny the psychologist sounded when he said 'schedule'. Bribery most likely took place, and probably only screwed me over more completely. Joining the Hackers had never even occurred to me before, but now defection was the obvious choice. I still had no way off Manhattan, and the pigs were paying a visit the next morning to take me to the padded cell I would die in if I stayed here. The only option left, said that irrational and yet domminant part of my mind, was to celebrate my last night of freedom.
I woke up early the next morning - the Cardamine must have won the battle with the alcohol - and found myself in a room neither my own. My first thought was that they had already taken me to the asylum following my blacking out, but I soon realized that there wouldn't be a sleeping girl next to me if that were the case. I avoided waking her and searched in vain for my trousers and Cardamine inhaler, but through sheer dumb luck I instead found my salvation; a Starflyer starter chip! I wrote "IOU one Starflea" on her bathroom mirror in lipstick and took to the skies, setting my course first for Detroit Munitions (Angry Flashlights Incorporated, as planetside workers call it).
To my great relief, the employee entrance had a corridor that led directly to the laundry room. Smooth talker though I may be, nobody would sell weapons to a man without pants. My keycard didn't work on the doors at first, but eight lines of code later it started working again. I outfitted the little pile of flying junk with the few bits of hardware I'd been involved in the development of, stripped the verification package, and set out to make some friends in low places.
I already knew of Rochester, the Junker settlement in the debris fields near Manhattan, and listening to police chatter gave me the rough location of Buffalo, the Liberty Rogue fortress in the Badlands. The Junkers are a more welcoming bunch, but I needed to slip into the good graces of the Rogues to ever have a hope of becoming a Lane Hacker. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and so I began hunting Xenos and cops; the Xenos wouldn't be missed by anyone, and my opinion of cops is slightly worse than an aerospace engineer's opinion of space dust. Even in the Starflea (Cyrano's Nose, I had christened it) I easily outflew the buffoons. Countless hours playing dogfight-sim video games translate into the real cockpit, it seems. Killing cops tends to draw the attentions of the Bounty Hunters' Guild, but their so-called pilots are cowardly profitteers incapable of holding their own against even a single Cardamine-enhanced opponent.
Once word of my exploits reached the Rogues, I navigated the Badlands (unpleasant) and exchanged my faithful little pile of slag for a sleek, fine-tuned, certified preowned (read: used) Dagger (read: flying phallus). I set course for Magellan to find that naturally, at the very moment when I was ready to depart, police activity is higher than ever because of some report of a terrorist gunship wreaking havoc. Interestngly enough, the competence of a herd of swine is inversely proportional to the number of swine in said herd. Despite my taunting every vessel I passed, only a lone piglet decided to scan my hold, and upon seeing the Cardamine he fired a cruise disruptor and missed. I didn't even need to come up with a snarky one-liner - missing with a guided missile speaks for itself.
Upon arrival in the Magellan system, I followed Outcast and later Hacker patrols until I located Mactan Base. None on the base had yet heard of me, so I joined up with the Hacker Paco.Pistols and flew several search-and-destroy missions with him, later completing some on my own and with the recently inducted Trainee LH~Sundancer. For the most part, we fought Bounty Hunters, although I did take out an LSF wing as well. Very little of interest happened while I ran these missions, excepting an embarrasing incident involving autopilot and binary asteroids which took place in full view of Mactan. In spite of that humiliation, I successfully acquired a Lane Hacker IFF and ID. Evidently, the only step which remains is final approval of this application.
Before I conclude this missive, I must say I've never in my life had as much difficulty or fun hacking as I have trying to get into these secure channels. And were I religious, spiritual, or superstitious in the slightest I would pray to every demiurge I could think to conjure that the Lane Hackers control some location wih a better bar than the one on Mactan.
To: Hacker Personnel Department, Mactan. From: "Dialectius" RE: Me, you, one big party.
Good evening ladies, gentlemen and everything in-between.
I've bumped into a few of you fine citizens in space, and no doubt you saw me too, even if it was just in passing. I'll be keeping a hold on my name for now, seeing as over the last few days I haven't used it at all. I gotta say... This alias business, it's addictive. Moving on slightly, I have to say, that was some mighty fine handiwork I witnessed when you all dealt with that Convoy, well... convoy. Makes you wonder why they didn't send an escort ahead, considering they had two of em. Now, on to the meat of the issue, as it were.
Up until recently I was an Agiera employee. Seeking refuge with your organisation was more a pre-emptive strike than anything. I had a choice between jumping overboard early, or making kids toys on Houston for 20 years. That's no choice at all. Over the last few years working with the corporation, I was one of the sympathisers that fed software patches to you lot in return for a more-or-less insubstantial amount. I would claim to be an idealist, but I'm more a man of leisure on a limited wage. Or I was anyway. Either way, the supervisors (who were on the take in some form or other too) knew there was a leak in my department and launched a big enquiry. I reckon I had about two days left when I scarpered.
Nabbed the keys to my bosses' private shuttle - a little CTE 750AE took off from Manhattan and plotted a course. Used my ID codes to get into Detroit, and had the techs bolt a Stunpulse on. My ID mixed with my bosses' ship probably set off alarm bells immediately, but I didn't hang around long enough for anyone to make anything of it. From there I moved on to Rochester, and then eventually to Buffalo. I decided to do what programmers do best and scrounge information in the cafeteria. The Badlands are a graveyard and full of wrecks - I almost added myself to it a few times. Made my cash scrounging off three or four tomb-ships then cashed in on an old Dagger. I'm guessing the assorted dead-men weren't too bothered about donating their worldly possessions. Not like they need em.
Got to Mactan a bit later and got into Docking Controls' good-books by grafting away at the job board. Mostly trashing 'Hunter property that had insinuated its way into the system, and giving various people one hell of a bad day. I got all the requested tech an' all. Phate said he'd verified that, so there was no need to burden this channel here with file uploads. Equipment funded with money paid by a freelancer for debugging her rep-recorder, seeing as someone was harassing her through the USI system. I also have a contract with Crimson.Reaver who is buying the names of any Bounty Hunters I come across.
We-ell, that just about sums everything up. Currently I'm billeted at the shared pilots dorm, at Mactan. I'll be sat around here until I get a message back. If you want any intel about the work I was doing back before, or my exploits since then, you're more than welcome to it. Just say. So long.
I am sending this message to the referred frequency in the hope of joining your organisation.
I, like many others lived on Planet Eire and found myself in the war recession that gripped the sector. Life on the planet for me was simply one poor paying job to the next, making enough money to make it to the next day. We all saw those screen from Ageria Tech offering a new life in the stars, but I was not fooled, I heard the stories of poor treatment and the illegal prisoner exchanges between Bounty Hunters and Liberty officials. Instead I focused my time on the art of Hacking and soon robbed enough cash points to afford a way off planet and join a small trade group after altering my reference and employment details on their application systems.
I later got work as an independent contractor, ferrying small haul goods between Liberty sectors, however I was forced to make subsidies to use Ageria trade routes. I made a good friend on Manhattan; he was the guy who first showed me simple Hacking skills. He claimed to be a part of something that would fight back against corporate, but would never reveal more than that. After a while I could begin to intercept Ageria trade traffic and use it to find better trade deals and make extra money on the side. Ageria later contacted me saying they wanted me to join them as a full time employee and I refused outright. Not only did they wanted me to transport good without any knowledge of what they were, but also wanted to give fixed pay which was less than I made as an Independent. My refusal did not go down well with the representative, who said it was in my and the sectors interest to join, but I still refused and she disconnected.
A week later, when landing on Manhattan to deliver a small shipment, my ship was suddenly impounded. I was wanted in connection to trading Rhineland tech. I never did such a thing, it must have been Ageria. I was furious and in hiding, terrified as to what to do as Liberty police must be on the Ageria payroll. I went to my friend's apartment but he had disappeared, but he left an encrypted message which immediately decoded when it recognised my neural patterns. The message linked me to the instructions I needed to make contact with the Lane Hackers and the co-ordinates to Magan base and then a timed virus wiped the information.
Using the fake neural net ID I use even now, I managed to steal a ship off world and using my knowledge of the local sectors landed at Detroit Munitions. However just after I left they recognised the ship had been stolen, so I fled to Rochester base. It was there I was given further advice of local targets of opportunity. So I began hit and run attacks on local Xeno and Bounty hunter ships, and soon discovered Buffalo base in the badlands where I purchased my Dagger. I then finally felt ready to travel to Magelan base and by using my fake neural net ID I managed to slip through the Liberty police cordons.
After working a few jobs for the Lane Hackers, mainly against bounty hunters encroaching from Manchester and a hit and run on Sheffield stations storage dumps I was approached by a Lane Hacker who gave me the software and address bounces to send this message to you now. Even then this was one tough channel to hack, so this must be the right one.
Please find enclosed neural images of my ship and details.
I hope I will be a fine addition to your ranks and that we can demolish the Ageria monopoly on Liberty
.....What? Done already? hmm disappointing no mater. I am Artemis Sworn i told you a week back to expect me and well here i am. Not only have I jumped through all your obscene hoops but I have managed to pirate several transports and lead a vigilante on a 3 system chase and in the mean time manipulate the liberty forces to consider him the enemy for several miner offences. and to top it off i did it all in that joke of a ship that you forced me to fly... needless to say i want to join the Lane Hackers.
I was employed by Ageria in order to find some use of my talents but finding only imbeciles and corporate yes men who in the three weeks i was there attempted to teach me only a fraction of what i had learned from day one by myself. So i stole a ship by "encouraging" a paper work mix-up that sent the previous owner to prison (and then another so he was executed) and set off to earn my standing with the rouges and the rest as they say is history. I am now going to be brief as you will probably realize soon that your tracer is going round in circles and start pointing it the right way. You want me in the Lane Hackers because frankly i'm the best there is and as to why i want to join you if it isn't obvious then you don't have a snowballs chance in the Omegas of ever understanding. As for the proof i have followed the rules i shall send them to you momentarily.
Oh and those excess credits were a gift from a hacker named Maddy for assistance in a raid after obtaining my iff. My ships exact transponder is LH~Artemis.Sworn.
---Initiating Hack---
---Sending Transmission---
---Sender: Jonathan Jones---
---Ship ID: LH~Viper---
My name is Jonathan Jones and i was born on planet Manhatten. I am 21 years old and I am a programmer who worked for Ageira. I was not the most important employee of that company however i had a good life.
I guess you wonder now why i am sending this message but let me explain.
One day i received a letter from one of my superiors in which i was told that i am one of the selected person who should work on a new technology. I was really surprised when i received that notice and i was quite happy about it because there was a high salary for it. So i accepted it without thinking. We were a small group of programmers and scientists, working on a specific programm. However nobody told us what for a programm it is, we were only the "little worker-bees". We continued our work...
After some weeks we have made quite some process however more and more of our people didnt came to work. I asked one of the superiors and only got the answer "Their job is done, so they are on holidays now".
I was kinda confused about that. That day i received a message from an unknown person.
He told me that i am in danger and he sent me a data file.
That file contained info about the programm I was working on. It was a joint operation of Ageira and the LSF. This programm is a spy-ware and it would be used to control the Liberty citizens.
However there was another notice in the data file.
A list with the names of our programmer group and an order to assasinate them.
That was too much for me, i got nervous and didnt know what i should do now. After some hours i got a call from that person again and he told me that i should look for the Lane Hackers and that they are my only hope now. I deleted the whole parts of the programm we made untill then and then i prepared myself to escape from manhatten. Luckily i had a little starflier which i used to escape.
I was now a hunted man and i had to get rid of that ship. I actually managed to get an Dagger light fighter.
It was an old rusty ship but it had to be enough to escape Liberty. I went to Magellan and found the base of the Lane Hackers. I started to work for them to obtain the proper Identification Papers and the Transmitters.
I also bought better equipment for my ship.
Posts: 278
Threads: 18
Joined: Mar 2008
Staff roles: Server Administrator
<::// Secure Link Established:
<: Transmitting Data:
"People know me as "Firesilver" - AKA - Dave Stone. Before I Started employment at Ageria Technologies several years ago I worked alone, mining in a debris field in Colorado, where I had managed to get a deal with the local rogues by selling them various ores and giving them "tax", Eventually there wasn't much business left there, so I sold my barge, and started looking for a career.
I was hired for contracting with some faulty mechanisms in the Keplar system, they kept having reports of them not activating and sometimes not even working at all. My first experiances with the Lane Hackers began on that contract job whilst checking out a strange problem with one of the main 'lanes through the system. I turned up in a small freighter loaded with equipment, provided by the company, ofcourse, think I'd risk my own stuff? Heh.
Upon inspecting the gate there was several burn marks, debris and small parts missing, I checked the scanner, only rocks, I assumed that it was just a asteroid collission with the lane, This wasn't uncommon. As I started to diagnose the problem, 'started getting some fast moving objects on my scanner, needless to say, I started up the cruise engines and headed to the next working tradelane, assuming that these were some high speed asteroids that had come out of orbit, which would do the same to me as it did the jumpgate. But as I started getting to cruise speed, I got a comm message from an unidentified craft.
"Remove yourself from this premesis unless you also wish to suffer the same fate."
"This is Ageria Technologies Black 7, Identify yourself."
The comms stayed silent for several seconds, As I approached the new lane, I saw a transport and several escorts fly over me.
The comm channel lit up once again, this time with a fainter signal.
The comms turned to static, and I had trouble working out what I had just seemingly been a part of.
I returned the office we had on a nearby base, I was met one of my previous directors upon entering.
"What happened? The gate is still showing errors Stone."
"It showed signs of impact, I assumed it was most likely cause of an asteroid, before I was able to start repairs several unidentifieds came up on the scanner, I assumed it was more asterioids, so I started to get out of there, but it turns out they were a patrol."
"A patrol? Of what?"
"I'm not sure, but they seemed pretty pissed that I was there, however."
"Well, Universal just told us they've lost contact with a transported headed through that tradelane sequence, Did you see anything?"
He stood silent for a minute, as he slowly put the pieces together from what he had saw.
"I fear they are gone sir, those ships must have had something to do with it, I can only assume the convoy was attacked."
The director turned and started walking towards the office.
As the man walked away, several employees who he worked with gave me a nod from the bar, I walked over to them and took a seat.
"Dave, we just heard what happened, you're lucky to be alive."
"Those targets you had on your scanner; they weren't rocks, they were hackers man."
"Yeah, The lane hackers, speaking of which Dave, we're all leaving."
"Leaving? why? Where will you go then?"
"think about it Dave, highly skilled workers, low pay, barely any security whilst doing our job, do you think that's fair?"
"well, I do find it a joke, especially with the amount of money these guys make per day."
One of the guys at the table leaned over the table and whispered.
"Then come with us."
"Where? I need this job"
"Were heading out tonight to meet a hacker patrol in D4 tonight, come with us, They are made up of employees just like us, they'll be glad we showed."
I thought it over in my mind, I had grown tired of all the crap in this company, and I had wanted to get out for a while now, but this was a one time opportunity.
"Alright, I'll come."
The guys at the table smiled and nodded
"Meet me outside in your company ship at 2300 station time."
We all nodded, then went our separate ways.
Soon enough 2300 came, I undocked in my company fighter, an old starflier with some minor damage.
Ryan, my old friend in the company, was leading this small group of now-deserters.
"Form on me" Ryan said over the comms.
"Ready" we replied.
We engaged cruise engines and headed into the nebulae, we avoided any tradelanes incase ageria patrols found us.
As we entered, the scanner range was dampened to only a few hundred meters, we arrived at the meetup location.
"This the place?" one of the men said.
"Yeah, they should be here soon" Ryan replied
A few minutes went by before some white engines burning appeared through the nebula.
"Identify yourselves" the patrol said.
"This is Ryan Thorpe, I'm here with the guys I talked about."
"Yeah." Ryan replied
"Alright, follow us and stay close."
We followed them through a small passage, and eventually ended up at a small base built into an asteroid.
We docked first, then followed by the hacker pilots.
We were immediately taken into a briefing room and given a talk by one of the men in the room.
"so you've come to join us, have you?"
"Yes sir." we replied in a uniformed voice
He nodded, throwing several files on the table.
"I read your files, none of you have a security background, and risked yourselves coming here, the only thing left to check is how well you perform in the field."
We all nodded, and were told to wait until further instructions were given, and to make sure our - now stolen -ships were fit for flight.
After several patrols with other hackers as our "tests", I landed to find a man standing waiting for me on the landing deck.
"Congratulations, Dave."
I looked at him, with a stare of accomplishment.
"Thank you, Good to be a part sir."
He nodded, walking off to his office, whilst I made my way to the bar.."
Comm Link End //:>
Proof of full rep and ID.
(And Yes, I also have a starpulse turret on as requested.)
I would like to return to your ranks once again and, as I said I would, I am beginning from the beginning.
That said, I have already taken the liberty of working my way into a properly IFF'd Dagger. It was nothing terribly difficult. Destroyed the depots at Manhattan, the depots at Sheffield Station, the depots at Fort Bush, killed Xenos near Detroit Munitions, then finally made my way to Buffalo to purchase a Dagger.
When I arrived not much later on Mactan, I was assisted by someone piloting the LH~Flying.Coffin... I believe Elektra was the name mentioned in conversation.
I bet that you are wondering who the hell am I, then lets begin, shall we ?!
I don't think that you are interested in family roots and stuff so I will be brief,
I'm mostly known by my hacker name Infamous.Flavour.
The reason why I joined, hmmm *thinks*
Since my mother was a ***** and she didn't want me, she left me to die as soon as I was born.
But thanks to God, my surrogate parents found me. They raised me and all that...they were really nice.
When I grew up, I found out that some Liberty dogs were blackmailing my s.parents for the thing which I don't want to discuss...It will take ages to explain. Anyway, long story short, Liberty found a way to rip off honest citizens. I became a hacker because I wanted to return the money that Liberty has stolen from my parents.
When I arrived at Rochester, I was short on money and since i didn't had much experience in fighting I used the advantage of DF's proximity to Rochester and started salvaging some scarp metal. I've been salvaging scarp metal for almost ten days...After a day off, I set course for badlands and lighted cruise engines... Somewhere on the way I ran into a transport that had its pods filled with gold. Luckily, he had only one escort craft with him. I charged my weapons, took his shields down, shoot at his pod that was filled with gold and.... some gold fell out of it. I tractored it before the pilot of the transport realized what was going on and quickly engaged my cruise engines again. After a day or so, I finally made my way to Buffalo.
Rogues were really interested in the gold that I had, so they made me a really good offer that i was unable to refuse. When i stacked my money, I had just enough to buy a Dagger Light class fighter.Scarped my old ship and got some extra credits for mine launcher and ammo. Installed new equipment on it, checked all systems (Console showed a green light) and went to the bar and took a glass of wine, after that I went to bed. When tomorrow came, I plotted my course for the nearest Hacker base...And that is how I came to Mactan.
And here are some guncam shoots from my adventures *smiles*
I hope you will like them *Crosses fingers*
Salutations for those who allowed to browse that datavault, and appreciation for what you do here. I'm known around currently as 'Eraser' - that's how Ageira labeled subject.062 in the project I recently managed to leave. Once my dedication will become evident to the bosses, I will be callsigned as 'Oddjob'. I also got my Dagger, and appropriate ID and IFF signatures. ++
Hey, that's some neural-bandwith you got here. In Lower-'Hattan you have to pay 500 creds for quarter-hours to have such. Mind if I use you computing capacity to run a routine scan on my augmentations here while I log my journey? The recently sustained damage and the EMP made my kino-wires twitchy, and I'd need a firmware upgrade to my carnal interface since the last one I downloaded on Allentown feels buggy and makes my head hurt. Hope there is no battery-leaking. So is that ok? Ok.
So I mentioned Lower-'Hattan before. Locals call it The Hole. I grew up there. That's a place where the fittest survives, and fitness is decided by reaction time, aim, usefulness and gangs to back you up. I grew up there as a Shank. Thug, as Highers call us. Most akin to me are killed about the age of twelve down there. I was lucky. There was a hacker-girl. Luce. And she was looking after me and my chrome. Sweet girl. Well, she was not a Hacker like you, with capital H, just the Techbrain of a gang. The job-description contains more dabblery cyber-butchering than actual hacking - neural interfaces are rare down there, not to mention access points. But if someone is skilled enough to keep a small gang's augments running and fetch in them the occasional fiber-muscle or retinal affix they manage to scavenge (or tear out), he won't have to worry about safety down there.
Well, neither Luce was worried, but she was torn apart by an explosion one day along with the most of the gang. I was lucky, since next day I managed to sneak in and get the remains of her gear and body. That was the start of my carrier. I mean we knew Luce has her nanosurgery-kit in a briefcase, but noone expected what a goldmine of know- and skillsofts she did possess. (I have to add that down there noone realy cares about chips, most of them is simsense porn anyways, and that's not even as good business as selling synthweed). Also while I was studying her collection was the first time I saw the icon of the tradelane segment with the lightning in it. I associated that sign with 'high-quality smuggled software'.
So with all those hards and softs, I started my own establishment. Some people (that wanted to <strike>lick my</strike> show their respect) even called me 'Doc'. Not that such needs a degree down there, if you know how to install a simsense-deck without making much carnal damage, you are one. And with Luce's skillsofts, it wasn't too hard. More importantly my official status slowly turned from a common 'Shank' to a well respected 'Bagman'. That's a term for 'Biotechnician' down there from a habit of them what I won't describe now.
So I started have fame (in a Lower-'Hattan way), what mostly meant many shanks to back me up for their monthly maintenance. And I also started to have concurrence and enemies. I won't mention here how careless I was when they caught me, it's enough to say that a pair (yes the whole pair) of real rheinlandish Zeiss Cyberoptic eyes down there worth more than a crate of Ageira Mag-Rail rifles - with enough goons to handle them. I was trapped, EMP-d and sold to the Highers.
As you might already know, the Liberty Government can only prosecute it's citizens who possess an ID (what -by a recent study- might be about 30-40% of the total populace). The rest only causes a bureaucratic nightmare when caught what they usually circumvent with selling the unregistered subjects into the mines of 'Pitts, and log them as life-sentenced. Now that's not an option for a so-called 'cyber-psycho' (the word was in my dossier I stole, I guess it means 'Shank'). Ageira solved the problem I meant, by buying me out for a re-socializational project. That didn't mean much more than to utilitize well equipped, useful but dangerous elements of Liberty that they capture in various high-risk jobs. The loyalty factor was granted by implanted cranal-bombs. Bit of an AS 700-ish solution, but it's effective, especially when you see your fellow inmate trying to run towards the dock followed by a splatter of his brain. They decided to train me for an escort-pilot (since one of them had the not-so-bad idea of having me out of arm-reach of anyone worths more than a thousand creds).
I spent two years there, working for the Highers, getting their shipments to safety. My flight-comms was disabled all the time, and my ship was logged as 'AI-controlled'. Sweet. What they didn't expect is a Hacker (note the capital H) who found a fighter without comms suspicious, as he broke into the system to contact me. By the Lane and Lightning denotation I knew I have a benefactor, and after a brief a conversation I knew where do I belong. Also I have been provided a way out.
By his instructions I built a small EMP device what did block the implanted bomb's signals, but didn't fully disable my motoric functions. That got me enough time to rip that crap out from my head, and I managed to keep conscious enough to plant it on a locked bay door, and as expected, it blew up once I turned the magnet down. I crawled to some straflea that some kid forgot to lock, launched, killed the engines and fainted.
Since I'm awake, I follow the code sent to me by the Lane and Lightning. And now here I am, tinkering with all the Higher equipment you have here, studying the extraordinary softs you make. To tell the truth, I can't care less about the equality of common people, freedom of others and such. But you have all the hardware I could wish for having revenge on the people wanted to suck me dry, and install me as some upgrade. Let me have the tools, and I'll be more loyal to your cause than any idealist geek.