visit MU with any IFF/ID other then order, freelancer, zoner and BD and YOU WILL BE SHOT AT SIGHT. There is no Order within the Order because indies has zero respect for the official faction.
visit MU with any IFF/ID other then order, freelancer, zoner and BD and YOU WILL BE SHOT AT SIGHT. There is no Order within the Order because indies has zero respect for the official faction.
Not really. Mu is currently closed to any non-Order ships. They're either 'gtfo or dai' (most likely dai) according to one of there messages done by Erik.
' Wrote:Your char is evil by default and should be shot on sight by any sane member of the Sirian society. You're welcome.
What? no! he's then exception cuz he helps Bundschuh and Order and is searching to help council:laugh:
' Wrote:Guys, I've DONE IT!
I have created the ONE actually GOOD faction and we COMBAT THAT EVIL!
Yeauh, you hear right, we combat evil like no other.
That's us, I made the logo myself, because we need an actual GOOD faction here, in lou of events that transpire in this thread.
So what're you waitin' for?
We kill everyone evil, but it's for a good cause, so of course we're not evil like them!
Join up today, with this once in a life-time chance, just post below and you're on your way to bein' a GOOD guy for once! ;D
I can't belive you guys actually cared about the color-coding:lol:
....wait WHERE'S TEH "REDEEMING" PRAT??? and its nut "kill" it's "stop" guise...................................
....wait wat?:mellow:
' Wrote:Dude, you need to play less.
You're failin' RL Philosophy by a long shot.
What? nope, I'm just refusing making things unnecesarily hard and just using a mix of a lot of stuff to diferentiate between them, if RL Philosophy is like that then is just as stupid as the science that hasn't given us FTL-capable ships yet when they told in the fifties that we would have them in 2000:lol:
It's counter-productive to RP etc. to try and sum everything up in "good vs. evil". Instead you would be better off getting into each faction's lore / RP-premises, and try to think like a character belonging to said faction would.
I.e. A LSF pilot shooting Order terrorist would be "good", as he tries to keep Liberty safe and secure and free of terrorists, an Order pilot shooting LSF agents would be "good", as he is concerned about the Nomad influence on Liberty's finest.
An OC taking slaves would be "good", as he is introducing these slaves to a new and "enhanced life" with promises of a longer life span, heightened consciousness and maybe even the possibility to enter OC ranks.
A Corsair shooting Rheinlanders would be "good" because Rheinland breached the home of the 'Sairs and threatened their security/stability and dominance of the Omicrons.
Etc. etc. etc.
"Good" vs. "Evil" is an illusion in real life, as well as in Disco.
In fact, I would be inclined to say that it is about time Disco let go of its "Lawful, semi-lawful, unlawful" distinctions, as they no longer make sense - Gallia is "lawful" (in Gallia), but the majority of players do not see them as such - and when Gallia's "lawfuls" are out of Gallia, they certainly don't adhere to Bretonian laws etc. And the other way round with the Council, which is "semi-lawful" in Gallia, but gets treated as lawfuls all over Sirius (even though they have taken over the supply of black market weapons from the Outcasts, and deliver guns to criminal organisations all over Sirius). Even "unlawful" pirate organisations such as the Corsairs have their own laws (and thus cannot be said to be "unlawful" within their own space) and punish offenders from their own ranks. It is silly, really, and counter-productive to RP and realism etc - and leads to "red on scanner u must die!" kinda RP.
All you just said was Blue and Orange morality:laugh:
But most of that stuff is actually in a a grey vs gray area:
-LN tries to keep the place safe, but they're still fighting the Order, which just fought the nomad war and are still unlawed
-The Order keeps the nomads away, are a bit protective, but justifiable looking how BHG and LN searches to wipe them out, they're REALLY near to "white", they would be if they hadn't to do that stuff to survive
-OC expand cardamine for profit, possibly thinking they're helping people, but they also know it makes them genetically dependent and need to stay near Malta, so it would get them to a grayish area
-A Corsair is not only shooting Rheindlanders, but pirates cuz they really need to since they're unable to get food themselves, so they're on a lighter shade of gray, or an anti-hero or an anti-villain.
Though, what you all said depends, those are more character alignment than good vs evil factions:laugh:
-The LN guy is acting a bit Lawful-good, but needs more character developtment to see if he's focused on law or good
-The order guy is acting a bit Neutral good, needs more character developtment too
-The OC dude is maybe unaware of what is he doing, probably thinks he Chaotic-good
-The Corsair dude.....I don't know much about which alignment would it fit XD
I still don't think Good vs Evil is that hard, it's the basis of the whole Universe mayne!
I don't really like the lawful vs unlawful scale, I mean it works for factions but not at all with characters, ESPECIALLY my characters which are all based on the good vs evil scale, more to be a "good guy" than a "lawbringer", it messes up the "Freedom Fighter" RP I do in Rheindland and Gallia with my main too, and he's semi-lawful anyways, not all semi-lawful should be mercs you know.... Eye mean, He helps RHA for free just to help take down the RM since he sees them as Lawful-Evil mayne!
Well I think there's no point in trying to condense what should be a massively complex morality system into a color-grading or AD&D style Chaotic-lawful etc. scale. How do you classify Synth Food, for instance? They sell synth paste for profit, ruthlessly driving traditional farmers out of business on the one hand, but supplying hungry people all over Sirius with food on the other?
Scaling is counter-productive, it would be better to try and grasp the complexity of it all instead, to the extent it is possible.
I for instance had an encounter with a Bounty Hunter while I was on an OC character - he wanted to kill me because I was an "evil outcast", but I pointed out to him (in-rp) that I hold human life in high regard (even though my character has a cardamine farm and keeps lots of slaves an export the "Orange Dream" to all of Sirius), while he in fact makes a living from killing - who's the "evil" one there?