Myself a a few others are experiencing the same problem as Vex and Tanker. Last online date is correct but the time online is wrong - it just shows 00:00. It looks like there is something wrong with the count on individual chars, soz.
' Wrote:Yes I also expected many more Liberty and Rheinland capitals.
Jinx the Zoner juggernaut number is clearly the most weird number out there.
"as many zoner juggernauts as other popular faction dreadnoughts " ehh WHAT?
You think the number of zoner juggernauts who's main job is sit at a freeport and do nothing, should be comparable to those there are supposed to fight all the time on numerous fronts?
let's see the list again: Number of Zoner Juggernaut 55 - a faction that doesn't fight
Number of Aquilon Carrier 26 - also zoner ship ( i.e. a faction that doesn't fight)
Would expect number of Zoner Juggernauts to be about 25 tbh, this is just insane.
Also note this
Number of Outcast Destroyer 113 Number of Zoner Cruisers together: 109 ( few of the Corvos might be used by other factions, but still that's a lead of 26 to the next cruiser number under)
Number of Corvo Cruiser 59
Number of Zoner Destroyer 50
Number of Order Recon Vessel 48
Again a non-combat faction has the second highest number of cruisers?
So instead of "instead of rumors and selective perception" that there are zillion Zoner caps.... there actually are zillion Zoner caps.
Let looks at this from different point of View...
Jinkusu was forged as a mobile Freeport, a civilization in itself exploring the vast tracks of space in order to secure the resources and territories that allow the continuation of the Zoner movement... And the firepower to ensure that any trespass against Zoner interests and neutrality will be revisited upon the people's of the aggressor a thousand fold.
What is painful here is no amount of that ships but it's miss use as a war ship. IS A COLONY SHIP AND MOBILE FREEPORT and this how she should be use... it isn't in most cases but that is part of different discussion. When zoner Alliance was still in egzistence they recognize a problem and hopefully as of 4.86 Jinkusu gonna be SPR only
Zoners again approached the IMG with the prospects of further refining the design of the vessel, with aims towards departing from the role of pure combat orientation towards a vessel capable of deep space exploration to supplement the venerable Juggernaut.
Boasting similar martial prowess as the Zephyr, the Aquilon class was forged with a stronger influence built upon survivability afield. Boasting the amenities of a modern day warship with the resources of a minor colony vessel, the Aquilon is the final solution to Zoner exploratory and expansionist needs.
And Yes i believe if number of Aquilons will increase and Jinkusu decrease (maybe swith with numbers??) balance of ZONER CAPS will looks better.
Personally dont fly Jinkusu because it dont feet to my RP and probably never will... proud owner of 1 Aquilion
Lets look at cruiser "problem"
The Corvo was crafted to meet the needs of a relatively economic deep space faring vessel, designed to voyage under conventional drives to remote stars to see what might be seen. With an emphasis on interior comfort and reliability, these vessels are designed to sustain themselves for decades. Family vessels built to be taken beyond the stars, they are not put into the hands of parties suspect of employing them as weapons of war.
"Corvo" Zoner Deep Space Explorer/Deep Space Explorer!!! ad yes is used by some independent exploreld RDA is using few as well.
And we came to Fearless
The Zoner Destroyers form the backbone of Zoners capital ship fleet. Do I need write more...
So....Looking at Jinkusu as colony vessels and Corvo as exploratory vessels 23 battleships and 50 cruiser to protect 4.5 Zoners Systems (2 guards included) and numerous Freeports and other Zoner bases plus escort duties for Zoner Transports in Omicrons, Omegas and Taus is really that much?? Especially when we count Freeports in Theta, Delta, and Omegas as located in extremely Hostile environments??
And i know from fact that people own Multiple ships so this numbers should be devided by 2 or 3
I have Aquilion.. I have Fearless.. I have Corvo...
Can I play them at the same time ?
I dont really think so...
What really interesting is lack of that Enormous Gallic Capital Fleet what suppose flood Sirius;)
To Cannon:
OMG did You know that are only ....... Nahh check it for yourself;)
And I'm proud to be a member of one of Top Ten Active Faction of The moment. way to go TAZmaniacs;)
P.S. and please dont let this go to Another ZONER ZONER ZONER tread.. there is other place for that :cool:
Cannon said in a thread devoted to the topic of it being down, that it's generating double the outbound traffic it should (or something) so he's shut it off.
But he did say it would return when he's updated some software to work better.
It is shut down pending a web server upgrade. The online player stats are/were being hit with a bunch of automated programs that refresed the page constantly. This doubled the outgoing traffic from the server. For reference the outbound traffic was 4 times higher than the forum traffic at peak times.
When I find a little time, I'll upgrade the server to reduce the outbound traffic even if it is hit with stupid automated scripts.
Proud member of "the most paranoid group of people in the community"
' Wrote:It is shut down pending a web server upgrade. The online player stats are/were being hit with a bunch of automated programs that refresed the page constantly. This doubled the outgoing traffic from the server. For reference the outbound traffic was 4 times higher than the forum traffic at peak times.
When I find a little time, I'll upgrade the server to reduce the outbound traffic even if it is hit with stupid automated scripts.