with now the player base afflication is in order. Its now a base owned by Samura, Zoners, Freelancers etc. But now as cannon stated that we as Zoner may not dock on others stations in house space rather zoner stations. AND exeption of the GMG station Aomori in honshu. So with now the player bases afflication as Zoners. i assume Fellow zoners MAY dock there? or how does the rules apply for this? as previously it wasn't allowed but now with this afflication i assume it may. as it would be a zoner base where you may dock on. (even if its in house space)
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(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
It's still no. Otherwise its powertrading. Players in smaller transprots could put stuff like Optronics, which is only sold in house space (AFAIK) onto a base they can dock to. anyway. ye' it still should be no.
' Wrote:It's still no. Otherwise its powertrading. Players in smaller transprots could put stuff like Optronics, which is only sold in house space (AFAIK) onto a base they can dock to. anyway. ye' it still should be no.
This is nonsense...
If you're talking about powertrading, just take a look at OSI as they can dock everywhere...
Then here comes the question "why don't you just join OSI?" > Well, just because I rather like to be a plain zoner(for example less chance to get pirated without the prefix?, but there can be many other reasons for that)
With this affillation thing, regulary zoners can get a chance, too and increase the efficiency of supplying their bases.. and come on.. if you can block jumpgate/holes with weapon platforms then why couldn't you just dock on your zoner IFFed base to store the "housespace commodities"?!
Player Bases have the ability to have their rep set, however, they do not have the ability to display their reputation. Thus, no one knows if it is a Zoner base or not.
As player base reputation is extremely easy to change, an owner could have it Zoner rep'd so he could dock his 5k Zoner Whale to it and turn around and re-rep it Samura to comply with Kusari's laws of not letting a Zoner base be built in Kusari (if there was a law).
Sucks and after thinking on it I'm not sure why there is a ban on it. It isn't anymore power trading than having someone unload you is; and that is allowed. In fact I'd say that having someone unload you is less work than using a PoB as you have to maintain the PoB in an area you can't use your most efficient transports to do so.
' Wrote:Player Bases have the ability to have their rep set, however, they do not have the ability to display their reputation. Thus, no one knows if it is a Zoner base or not.
As player base reputation is extremely easy to change, an owner could have it Zoner rep'd so he could dock his 5k Zoner Whale to it and turn around and re-rep it Samura to comply with Kusari's laws of not letting a Zoner base be built in Kusari (if there was a law).
What if the player chose to put Zoner - BASE NAME as the base name...
Or Freeport - NAME as the title, this is unchangeable.
Although this has probably already been brought up in the last argument so, nevermind.
' Wrote:As player base reputation is extremely easy to change, an owner could have it Zoner rep'd so he could dock his 5k Zoner Whale to it and turn around and re-rep it Samura to comply with Kusari's laws of not letting a Zoner base be built in Kusari (if there was a law)
If its a samura base and then peeps change it to zoner then its obvious that the KNF in this case would siege it as it would have given false info on this base.
but now its just a question. for if its allowed to let zoners dock then. What house rules ingame apply is not the matter about this. but then it would be a zoner station. if its allowed i must say RP must be in order for letting it allow to dock zoners. as zoner bases are none hidden. and allways open for the public. but want to hear a point of view of an admin here. (preferbly cannon as he set up that rule if i am correct)
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