I never actually used a gunboat with basic or primary turrets, so I decided to go with Razors and Pulses for now - but since I have a choice on Bottlenosique, I will take my time to try most of possible loadouts to get the best one.
Edit: To save forum space, I'll use this thread for some more help. Once again I need an advice - this time it's setting up a Tresher or even a couple of them to work together.
Thank you.
(Yes, I used "Search" option, but the only thread with a relevant discussion was all about comparing Tresher to Bullhead, so...)
Anti everything:
4x Solaris (top mounted)
2x razors (front sides)
1x Pulse (in the back)
1x Light Mortar (in the back)
this last setup is scary. The solarises (if only 4) does NOT empty your energy like ever. They will take care of anything too close, anything further out is gonna have to whatch out for razors. And pulse+ LM can easyli do some good damage to a BS if you are good at kiting
I don't know about the Tresher, I don't fly them, but my Battlenose is all Cerbs, however I intend to change that, probably to 3 forward cerbs, one forward razor, and have no clue for rear firing, probably some stupid nonsense for keeping fighters at bay while escaping, like missiles or basics.
Think about Cerberus turrets. They may be energy hogs, but they hit heavily, and if you chainfire them, you pretty much circumvent the issue of their low refire rate;)
I used to fly gunboats with Cerberus, but for me they were more a decent replacement for Razors than a valid anti-snubcraft weapon. Anyway, I don't want to fly my Bottlenosique all alone and will try to choose a setup that is good for teamwork.
Get 3x pulses and 3xrazors. For killing shield use only pulses. 1x pulse forward, 2x backward, 3xrazors forward. Few shots in face to face flight then using rear view shot with 2xoulses backward