Good move. Now.. pardon this next outburst but I think it applies to the situation: SMUGGLERS UNITE!
Welp.. It was nice fighting you guys in the upper Taus. I think I may be one of few (if any) that will miss the CR vs OC skirmishes. You guys did provide us with a lot of activity come to think of it. Dunno what we'll do now. But, perhaps, this may turn out well.. Meh. Guess we'll have to find out.
And good luck to whoever starts up another group with that ID.
At the start of 4.86, you guys steal the fantastic IMG shipline and leave IMG with crappy slapped-together ships and a terrible tiny transport.
Then, three months later, you disband.
Hey, at least I can get my ships back.
This one I have to respond to.
If you ever use the word 'steal' again when addressing to this issue, I'll find out where you live, drive to your house, and hang you by your testicles.
The .85 IMG line was made by Doom. Doom was one of the guys who created the BSG waay back in the day, or the Proto-CR, if you will.
In .85 we've proved that we're worthy to have the ships we made on our own IFF, and the Devs agreed. In .86, we flew them under our own IFF.
They are NOT your ships. They never were, and never will be. You will not get these ships back, most likely. There is always someone who wants to roleplay a Battlestar Galactica on the run. And that means Colonial IFF.
Seems Factionlancer Era is coming to an end. Factions arent thriving as they did anymore:(. With factions to be stripped of their official status today, lets see.
Sad to see them go... Was gonna try catch one of you guys to RP with but darn...
I remember the time I played against CR as OC
And joined CR as OC
Ah, it's a shame that this had to happen. I would say that I have the dubious privilege of understanding exactly why you made this choice, even though I don't know the CR's internal workings that well.
I'm sorry to see you leave, Rommie. We had some good krieg. I see more and more members are going to leave Disco. Most of you were part of this community so long and started to play this game when I realised this mod and joined to this community. I dont really understand whats going on, since there are more and more "oldies" who leave this game.
Maybe just bored in it, or has personal issues. Unfortunately I wasnt a colonial, but always enjoyed the encounters. The CR was a great idea and you made it, so thank you for making some fun for us, by your roleplay.
I hope this "leaving wave" will ends soon, since most of you were the base of this community from my taste, and you were who made the fun why I played here for years.
There are a lot of people who I met with and played with and sadly most of them arent here now. Something ends here I think...
Bubai guys and thank you for being part of my fun on Discovery.