At the fighter: The fat arse makes it look like a SHF if you ask me. But I do like the hybrid kusari/gmg style that may have existed in the 80 years war, but it would be obsolete more than 250 years later...
Also-how did the kaichou get the floppy wings back? I thought we decided to remove those when you originally proposed the model as the taiidan replacement back in 4.84. Drop those wings and I might support the replacement (but good luck convincing the rest of the playerbase).
Also would this put the SNAC placement back to the original Taiidan? (Either side of the canopy)
Also, because I love Dusty Lens:
' Wrote:I think that the implied agility of the vessel and the cargo pods really stand at odds with one another. While I can imagine it moving forward very quickly it seems that should it ever need to turn things are going to get crazy. Crazy like immense torque twisting cargo pods one way while the ship goes another with bits flying left and right and the screaming and the explosions and lives shattered forever and that scene where a window breaks open and the one guy is being sucked out into space and he's screaming at his wife I DONT WANT TO DIE OH GOD OH GOD DONT LET ME GOO SAHAFUEHUIFHSEUFIHESUI and then he's sucked out and they have a kid at home who grows up in a broken household and turns to drugs and violence.
I don't think any of us need that kind of guilt. Certainly not over a video game. Maybe if they were more centered?
Edit: If you take a close look at the current Kaichou model there are quality issues. I can never look at the top of the bomber the same again... the texture is not symmetrical.
Lose the back wing-things on the bomber. Makes it look too Gaian Q_Q
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
Have to say looks awesome but have to agree that it doesnt quite seem to fit the GMG. Minimal tweakage and I see it being an awesome replacement for the umibozu.... always bugged me that BD and KNF ships were identical in looks except for color. :nyam: