A familiar voice reached Enrico's And Eva's ears before turning around and seeing Torro Trait.
"Shame Salazar got captured.. Now I've been tasked with the wondrous responsibility of sneaking into their facility and.. 'silencing' anyone who might not say the correct things the boss wants to hear. But hey, you didn't hear that from me."
He sat down beside them and as he did so he noticed their boss with Sil in the corner.
"Oh frak. Shouldn't have said that.. He's got ears everywhere.. Gah. Well. Whatever. I'm his prize project, he'd never get rid of a mobile weapon system!"
Torro smiled as he rolled back the sleeve on his arm and revealed scars that quickly opened with blades. He put the sleeve back and laughed a bit, knowing he had just most likely weirded out his companions.
Eva took a long drag on her cigarette after allowing Enrico to light it.
"Creepy as ever Torro," She commented without really looking at the other man. "This is why I don't tell you guys where I live. I get the feeling like if Death Runner knew I'd go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning in an ice bath missing a kidney." She took another drag and followed it up with a sip of beer.
"Enrico, now you see that Death Runner really wasn't kidding when he threatened to glue you into your cockpit."
With only a slight disturbed glance at Torro, Enrico grimaced at the thought of waking up a component of his ship. "Well, I got away and he threatened that, imagine what Salazar's got coming... I dread to think!" Finishing his beer and cigarette, Enrico stood up ad turned to leave. "Right, I'll be back in a tad, gotta check on the ol' Tepic. With the boss here, can't afford to leave it to the lackeys to unload her now, can I?" He tilted his head toward Eva briefly. "Oh, and Torro, keep your hands off, si?" With that he wandered off out of the bar and back toward the docking area, smiling suggestively at the girl from earlier as he passed.
"Well, I had a little incident in Liberty. I don't want to digress... Toledo was annihilated. I don't think it's really important for us right now... but it is interesting. Folks say several hundred thousands, some even millions of people died there. The nomads did it, the spirits... they say.
Everything is connected to everything, maybe, one time whatever happened there will be important.", he said this while looking at Death Runner with a stressed smile.
He paused for a moment, and his mien went serious. "And I think I had my share in this by accident. Ever imagined this? You just do something, and then suddenly millions are dead. This feels weird.
Anyway, in my absence my desk received a lot of paperwork, do you want to hear the less important news or shall I just write a short report for the files?"
He slammed his drink down, shaking his head knowing the Outcast's current intel division was horrendous.
"Alright.. Tell me anything you know, whether it be of small or large importance. I'll need to present these findings to the Council so they are in the know as well."