not gunna be rude or anything but this is a game people dont or i dont want to spend my whole life grinding just to buy a ship and the equipment i like so i can rp increase it please:D
' Wrote:Add 20k transports , make them with GB shield, and 10 GB guns and 1 000 000 GB core with cruiser Grade hull and bots and bats, give them 450 cruise , 250 Thrust and 6 CM droppers, I see reasonable price for such ship- 70 -100 mill.
Wait a 2 months and all will fly CAU8 battlebricks, wait 2 months later and the server will be with top population 30-40 people flying their battlebricks and talking only between themselves.... it this is what you really want?
Dont be silly please, this isnt flood, obviously bigger ships would be slower and more expensive.
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' Wrote:not gunna be rude or anything but this is a game people dont or i dont want to spend my whole life grinding just to buy a ship and the equipment i like so i can rp increase it please:D
No one is forcing you to grind. You could try to trader role play, it is actually very fun. Instead of just power trading and whining when a pirate takes your credits, and thus slowing you down on your way to purchasing a cap ship.
There is a ceiling to what you can make per hour, the admins (I think) and the development team did this on purpose. The economy is balanced around 5k transports. If we introduced 10k transports, it would need to be re balanced; and Xoria just did a major over haul of it for 4.86.
Basically, this is a pointless thread because it won't be happening any time soon as it would require far to much work to implement into 4.86. Maybe the next update if someone can find a really really good reason to warrant the extra work load on the development team; past I want to fly a big ship and I don't like grinding.
I roleplay. I don't like grinding. You're overlooking one major point Daedric, and that is despite this being a roleplaying server, you still need money if you intend to do anything.
The ceiling to what you can make was introduced to prevent capspam. Amazingly enough it failed. Classic case of hurting everyone to punish a few.
And they wonder why people bitch and moan when they get pirated.
All this is coming from a pirate by the way. Since you know, on these forums you have to convince everyone that you're not somehow biased first before you make a statement, xd
This is my opinion. Keep the transports just as they are. Instead, discover other ways of making credits, except bounty hunting, pirating, mining and trading.
I don't feel the need of larger transports. I don't have all the ships I would like too, but that's coz I'm lazy.
I'm not contrary to the idea either. Thing is, it would require quite an ammount of work. So if it gets implemented...ugh, good, I suppose. But I'm not gonna just ask for it, and wait for someone to do it.
' Wrote:Yes it would. People could grind enough money to buy a battleship in three days, two if they're really determined if they had a 7-10k cargohold.
Whilst now it takes them whole seven days if bored. Really changes alot.
I'd like to point out that the barge; with 40k cargo hold has apparently not unbalanced disco economy, why? Because it has been Balanced! Therefore there is NO reason to think other larger ships would unbalance the economy either, if balanced.
E.G. a 20k ship half the size of the barge, with twice the turning, twice the speed, and half the cruise time.
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