' Wrote:meta-dab himself.
still not really over it that we fried your princess ship, huh?
nah i am sure that got nothing to do with your actions in all that.
you are far too professional for oorp.
Fried my princess ship? It's only ever died once, and that was to Lunaphase and Mudd.
So no, I'm not angry at you for killing that ship you didn't kill.
(Oh, and to everyone else who wants to gripe about my SRP ship; I talked to several Zoners before making it, I have nothing personal against Zoners, it was approved by admins, and currently it doesn't exist as a result of being wiped for inactivity some time ago. Exact date unknown.)
' Wrote:Incidentally, who owns Omega 3?
According to Bretonian Charter, Bretonia does.
According to the treaty between Rheinland and Bretonia, Bretonia does.
According to the Bethlehem treaty between the CoZ and Bretonia, Bretonia does. (Note that many Zoners do not follow this treaty any longer).
According to the Freeport 1 treaty, made between its administration and residents, and the Bretonia Government, Bretonia does.
' Wrote:Actually, it doesn't settle anything. You can't create an ex-post-facto law to make a behavior acceptable unless you are no longer following your actual and original Constitution. And since Bretonia is based upon the United Kingdom, home of the Magna Charta...
I think you completely missed my point and sarcasm Agmen.. What I was trying to make clear is, we don't need our laws in this game to say endangering civilians is a bad thing. It's a real life law in just about every country on Earth, and it's pretty much common sense. Protecting the citizens and nation is what the police and military of every country ever made and ever will be made, was for.
' Wrote:In other words, has Alvin actually overthrown the lawfully constituted government of Bretonia?
No, he has not. In fact, he's only been in the government itself for a very limited time, as Beunt stepped down as BAF's 2iC, and Alvin took his place. Alvin is currently the de-facto leader of BAF, due to Dieter being gone until some date I'm not aware of.
' Wrote:[font=Comic Sans Ms]Wait. Has Dab and Bretonia been making up laws again? Because last I checked (which was literally 45 seconds ago) Blood Diamonds are fully legal in Bretonia, and always have been.
Please read my previous post with the quote to the relevant law pertaining to this situation, that has existed in our charter for well over two years now.
' Wrote:And it's not blown out of proportion - it's called ROLE PLAYING! Forumlancer at it's finest!
EDIT: That is VERY much an in-RP section. I plan on calling Commodore Hunter and Sir Jack as witnesses. So you guys need to figure out how and who is going to respond - I don't want Dab and Alvin responding from an alternate as the Crown. Get Zelot or someone else - maybe Athenian - to be the Crown. (For that matter, it's a pretty scathing attack I've made against Jack and Evyn... someone going to come drag me out of Court and just shoot me?)
Everyone else; Do not complain about Agmen making a court case. I don't mind, Agmen likes the idea. The only people whose opinions matter concerning this is Agmen's, mine, Alvin's, and Dieter's. Thus, what you guys think doesn't matter even a teensy bit.
As for who is judge, we're trying to determine that. It's difficult to find someone appropriate for it in this community, as everyone has their own concerns and desires pertaining to their characters/houses. I have a few ideas.
' Wrote:As for who is judge, we're trying to determine that. It's difficult to find someone appropriate for it in this community, as everyone has their own concerns and desires pertaining to their characters/houses. I have a few ideas.
I'll be judge. I dislike all of you equally no worries. :cool:
' Wrote:Fried my princess ship? It's only ever died once, and that was to Lunaphase and Mudd.
So no, I'm not angry at you for killing that ship you didn't kill.
hmm...i almost was sure it was yours.
big grey valor, called something like nantes?
sure it wasnt you?
thought that was the only time we ever met and the reason for your behaviour towards me.
well then...why are you so biased about me if we never met ingame b4?
' Wrote:hmm...i almost was sure it was yours.
big grey valor, called something like nantes?
sure it wasnt you?
thought that was the only time we ever met and the reason for your behaviour towards me.
My Aquilon is named Lamelle, and my Valor is named Ange Gardien. So no, I'm not Nantes.
' Wrote:well then...why are you so f***ing biased about me if we never met ingame b4?
That's my point. I'm not. I'm reacting to your RP with my RP. I don't go and try to sabotage people on Disco.
1.) It isn't worth it.
2.) It gets me nowhere.
3.) It isn't fun.
4.) I do actually have better things to spend my time on, as difficult to believe as it may be.
"The Realm of Bretonia is defined as comprising the Stars of New London, Leeds, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Manchester, Dublin, Salisbury, Poole, Lewis, Londonderry, Chester, Dundee, and Inverness, the territories of all planets and other bodies in orbit around said Stars, and all space within such Star Systems, radiating out to a distance of 1000K in every direction from the orbital centre of the systems. All such territory is under the full jurisdiction of the Laws of Bretonia and this Constitution, as enforced by official agents of Her Majesty's Government.
In addition the Monarch of Bretonia claims personal sovereignty over the Stars of Orkney, Tau 31, 23 and 29, and their respective Star Systems as Empress of Tau, and Omega 3 and 50 as Queen of the Kingdom of the Near Omegas. Whilst these systems do not form part of the territory of the Realm of Bretonia, the Monarch's rule over said territories is nevertheless governed by this Bretonian Constitution. Their status is that of Royal Dominions, governed by specific decrees of Her Majesty's Government, but excluded from the jurisdiction of the Laws of Bretonia. The Monarch's rule in these Dominions is to be enforced and maintained by Her Majesty's Bretonian Armed Forces.
The Independent Worlds of Magellan and Cortez have a separate status to the Dominions as Protectorates of the Realm of Bretonia and the Republic of Liberty. Instead of being governed by the Bretonian Constitution, they are governed according to the Articles laid out in the Treaty of Curacao."
Bolded the important part here. BAF/bretonia have no RP reason to barge into this issue. it is a zoner issue, though his actions go against zoner policy and zoners want him gone, the BAF has no legal right to have a say n omega 3. by its own charter, bretonian laws are NOT valid in omega 3. Attempting to circumvent ths is frankly, out of roleplay, since bretonia cannot stand another front. Trying to take over will raise more chaos with Hessians, Corsairs, and others, as well as giving the zoners incentive to bring goods to kusari instead. BAF getting into this mess is the same as shooting yourself in the foot. No matter how its looked at, RP wise its a TERRIBLE idea.
' Wrote:Bolded the important part here. BAF/bretonia have no RP reason to barge into this issue. it is a zoner issue, though his actions go against zoner policy and zoners want him gone, the BAF has no legal right to have a say n omega 3. by its own charter, bretonian laws are NOT valid in omega 3. Attempting to circumvent ths is frankly, out of roleplay, since bretonia cannot stand another front. Trying to take over will raise more chaos with Hessians, Corsairs, and others, as well as giving the zoners incentive to bring goods to kusari instead. BAF getting into this mess is the same as shooting yourself in the foot. No matter how its looked at, RP wise its a TERRIBLE idea.
1.) governed by specific decrees of Her Majesty's Government
It was a specific decree that the government would require its approval for FP1 administrators from now on. We have a player government, if you'd like to ask'em.
2.) Dakun's having ordered Blood Diamonds was considered by us to be an illegal act, regardless of the location. If someone in Bering were to order Blood Diamonds, we'd still consider it an illegal act. We would not be able to take action because he is outside of our realm of control, we cannot get to him. However, he would be considered a criminal inside Bretonia or its protectorates. Buying Blood Diamonds is supporting the Red Hessians, and that is aiding an enemy of Bretonia. That means we consider you an outlaw. This (and several other reasons highlighted in previous posts) is why there is an arrest warrant issued for Dakun's character.
3.) The Treaties of Freeport 1 and the Omega Pact both have terms listing Omega-3 as sovereignty of Bretonia, and those treaties are more recent than the Charter, and treaties are official government decrees/policies/information. Thus, by both treaties, that system is under our control and our laws, and our authority. The Freeport 1 treaty even specifically states that they recognize Bretonian authority over the system.
Quote:Article 1. Zoners of Freeport 1 recognise authority of Kingdom of Bretonia over the Omega-3 system, interest of Bretonia in maintaining security of trade connections, [and] mining operations and research missions.
4.) The actions of Dakun were a direct threat to the security of Freeport 1;
Quote:Article 3. Zoners of Freeport 1 on their own accord allow Bretonian Armed Forces and Bretonian Police Authority to use Freeport as a resupply base and temporary post in exchange of maintaining security of Freeport and surrounding space.
5.) Bretonian authority supercedes NFZ regulations in the event of danger;
Quote:Article 4. <snip> ... In case of any possible dangers, the authority of Bretonian Armed Forces overrun the No Fire Zone regulations if no member of local authority is present. If the force was implemented by Bretonian Armed Forces in No Fire Zone, they undertake to provide the proof of legality of their actions in 48 hours.
The issue here was, Dakun was officially the local authority, but also the cause of the danger. Because of the latter, we had the authority to take action, even if it was against the local authority. Proof of legality was presented within 48 hours.
6.) The statement to Zoners/Rheinland about capital ships was based on the following;
Quote:Article 6. <snip> ... Fearless Destroyers may be stationed at Freeport 1, so long as the number and callsigns of them are given to the Bretonian Government.
There was also no accusation of wrongdoing here on the part of the Zoners, but as a simple notice to remind people to inform the government/get permission for larger/other ships. That passage was mostly for Rheinland, which had brought in a cruiser and battleship that day, in violation of our Omega Pact treaty.
Please at least read our treaties before commenting on them. :\
Yes, but the question now is, will Bretonia allow FP1 & the Zoners choose the next Administrator, or will they step in and appoint their own?
from what it seems, the current interim (me) is being allowed - and the next Admin is being rp'd out at the moment - currently, its Dane and another candidate (Gratiano Locatelli) are in the running. Both cadidates are pretty zoner and have the support of the zoner community.
the real big test, i imagine, is whether or not said administrator can keep the peace this time, and balance the political interests in the region.
If the new admin cant do that, i imagine Bretonia will step in and take over.
' Wrote:Yes, but the question now is, will Bretonia allow FP1 & the Zoners choose the next Administrator, or will they step in and appoint their own?
from what it seems, the current interim (me) is being allowed - and the next Admin is being rp'd out at the moment - currently, its Dane and another candidate (Gratiano Locatelli) are in the running. Both cadidates are pretty zoner and have the support of the zoner community.
the real big test, i imagine, is whether or not said administrator can keep the peace this time, and balance the political interests in the region.
If the new admin cant do that, i imagine Bretonia will step in and take over.
do i have that right Dab?
' Wrote:They will only say Y/N to new administrator. If N - new one must be chosen by zoners again. That's all. It was said in on of Comm threads.
What Snake said. Bretonia does not have the power, and is not taking the power, to appoint administrators for you. We have what you could call a veto power is all. If we feel a choice is being made for an administrator that would bring damage to Omega-3, we could use our veto. That's the RP.
In reality, it's unlikely to be used much, if ever.
Unless you go and do something like elect a Corsair/former Corsair who retains Corsair sympathies, or other such obviously bad things. Unless of course we don't know he's a former Corsair via Roleplay.
EDIT: Also, Fran's account is giving me a very Gaian vibe. Too much green, too much nature. Must burn. /Bretonian