Location: Norfolk Shipyard, New York system, sector F-5
To: [*USI*]
Subject: Delivery services
My dear deliverers, dear Mr. Finch,
thank you for your answer. I will send now an updated list, because my business was very good the last days. Especially the equipment section was busy a lot.
So, now i need in total:
1 mini razor - 5 million credits
6 nuclear mine launchers - 6 million credits
9 enhanced thrusters - 9 million credits
6 Adv. Champion H.F. Shields - 6 million credits
8 advanced cargo scanners - 4 million credits
6 universal upgrades mk8 - 96 million credits
2 enhanced countermeasure droppers - 1 million credits
2 train cruise disruptors - 1 million credits
Total sum 128 million credits.
**Comm ID** Ray Finch
**Location** Trenton Outpost
**Subject** New delivery order
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Greetings mister William it's Captain Finch again,
To keep everything sorted I'm here to officially inform you of the recent delivery made, I can understand that the list you've given makes it invalid.
Therefore I've changed the list of remaining equipment myself and the costs of this comes to 53 million credits.
Feel free to do the math yourself if you wish. I shall also be handing this delivery over to one of our other employees. Be expecting your delivery any upcoming days.
Location: Norfolk Shipyard, New York system, sector F-5
To: [*USI*]
Subject: Delivery services
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
here is another call. This time, i need not only the stuff i usually buy, but also some other equipment. I recieved a bulk order yesterday.
For the stuff that it not a part of our contract, i have added the prices that i offer you for the delivery.
I need the following stuff as quick as possible:
5 x Adv. Cargo Scanner - 2,5 million credits
5 x Enh. Thruster - 5 million credits
5 x Nuclear Mines - 5 million credits
5 X Screamer Mines - 5 million credits
5 x Hvy. Countermeasure Dropper - 2,5 million credits
5 x Train Cruise Disruptor - 2,5 million credits
3 x Supernova Antimatter Cannon - 24 million credits
2 x Reinforced Cruise Disruptor - 2,5 million credits
That would be in total: 49.000.000 credits.
Oh, and for this time, i need the stuff in my private yacht, not on my shop. Ther reason is simple - such a large ammount combined with stuff i don't offer normally, may overload my capacities. Of course my yacht is stationed on Norfolk too.
Comm IDs:
Location: Norfolk Shipyard, New York system, sector F-5
To: [*USI*]
Subject: Supplies
Dear beloved deliverers.
I was just sitting here in my cabine, with an inventory list in my hands, and was thinking. The list of stuff in my backbone shop, the W.F.Cody-Equipment.Shop showed a hole. The last year, the equipment section was not that good advertised, than it was neccessary. The request was a bit low. The most stuff needed I have ordered from your pilots was via space channel only, without leaving a note in this neural net. Also I forgot about an order I have placed in space a few weeks ago, which leeds me straight to the point.
As the contract is still valid -and for a better overview for both parties, I declare this channel open again:
Hereby, I would like to order the following stuff:
6 x Nuclear Mines - 6 million credits
2 X Screamer Mines - 2 million credits
6 x Train Cruise Disruptor - 3 million credits
5 x Supernova Antimatter Cannon - 40 million credits
Total sum 51.000.000 credits.
And thanks in advance, dear ladies and gentlemen. It was and will be always a pleasure to become supplied by your company.