' Wrote:Ignoring Ingenious because honestly his suggestions are well...I can't say it because it is insulting.
I post an opinion and you call it a QQ. I post hard facts and you ignore it. What will you consider?
300 play-hours per month is 0.42% of server activity. It is not that hard to achieve. If you like having bloated, lazy, inactive official factions who primarily post on the forums, then fine, but I'd hardly call my suggestions worth insulting. I'd rather have active official factions who actually contribute to server roleplay, and if they can't put in the hours, then step down or get more active members.
Honestly. 72,000 play-hours delivered leaves room for 240 active official factions. And Snak3, I hope you will bring your hateful sarcastic posts to be at an end at this point. If you don't have enough time to invest it properly in one faction, why join two?
' Wrote:...stop alienating independents with stupid policies.
What indies has RepEx alienated with our "stupid policies"?
I'm curious as to which official trading (non zoner) factions have 15 active members? Trading is effin boring, who's going to spend an hour a day trading when they already have enough money?
' Wrote:Trading is effin boring, who's going to spend an hour a day trading when they already have enough money?
Beyond trading goods for money, perhaps roleplay? Perhaps move equipment in convoys? Perhaps move RP cargo (see that thread Dementia posted the other day about 'unadulterated' cryocubes?)
I do not think all official factions have stupid policies to alienate independents, but most are not active enough to deserve owning the NPC faction and technology. If they're the only ones allowed to recruit, they had better do it.
' Wrote:Roleplay is conducted on forum. Who will count time spent doing it into activity tracker?
' Wrote:I post an opinion and you call it a QQ. I post hard facts and you ignore it. What will you consider?
300 play-hours per month is 0.42% of server activity. It is not that hard to achieve. If you like having bloated, lazy, inactive official factions who primarily post on the forums, then fine, but I'd hardly call my suggestions worth insulting. I'd rather have active official factions who actually contribute to server roleplay, and if they can't put in the hours, then step down or get more active members.
Honestly. 72,000 play-hours delivered leaves room for 240 active official factions. And Snak3, I hope you will bring your hateful sarcastic posts to be at an end at this point. If you don't have enough time to invest it properly in one faction, why join two?
I didn't call it QQ. I didn't say what I thought because it is in all honesty, insulting. You didn't post any hard facts either, so please don't claim to have. All of your statement is purely opinion. You are of the opinion that some if not most of the current official factions are lazy, inactive and don't contribute to server role play. Guess what? That is your opinion, that is not fact. All of the official factions have displayed their ability to role play, if they couldn't they would not have been made official. Many of them have members who've poured hours upon hours of both in game and forum time into them.
All I see from you on the forums is QQ about official factions, namely because your faction can't become official because of an official faction who you deem unqualified. Funny thing is, the proved themselves, they meet the standards set forth, and they are deemed qualified by the admins. So any suggestion from you is severely bias if not aimed at demeaning the time investment another player has put forth, most of it long before you got here.
People have real lives. People enjoy role playing in different factions. People don't play here as a form of work (okay well maybe some do.).
' Wrote:[color=#990000]WRONG.
Roleplay is conducted ingame. Forum is fluff.
Actually you are wrong. Role play is conducted both in game and on the forums. That is a fact.
That comment made me approve of the general consensus regarding what you post - think about what you say before you say it. Do you think we do all of the stuff in the Communication Channel for fun?
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
' Wrote:All I see from you on the forums is QQ about official factions, namely because your faction can't become official because of an official faction who you deem unqualified. Funny thing is, the proved themselves, they meet the standards set forth, and they are deemed qualified by the admins. So any suggestion from you is severely bias if not aimed at demeaning the time investment another player has put forth, most of it long before you got here.
Actually you are wrong. Role play is conducted both in game and on the forums. That is a fact.
I have openly expressed my distaste for the officialty system on these boards for quite a while, long before I ever bothered creating an informal faction with a group of friends. I have no desire for it to become official, so don't use a strawman, please, it won't work.
A faction who roleplays on the forums and ingame is great. A faction who roleplays only ingame is good enough. A faction who only roleplays on the forums should not be official at all.
' Wrote:That comment made me approve of the general consensus regarding what you post - think about what you say before you say it. Do you think we do all of the stuff in the Communication Channel for fun?
I would hope you do it for fun. I play the game and post roleplay on the forums for fun.
' Wrote:A faction who roleplays on the forums and ingame is great. A faction who roleplays only ingame is good enough. A faction who only roleplays on the forums should not be official at all.
Please provide proof that any official faction only role plays on the forums. If you don't, you are the one using a strawman.