Edit: And there is nothing that everyone will be happy with. That's also life.
Characters Alan Markson: The Hellfire Legion's Lord Commander The Perihelion: Freeport Four's guardian, and yet much more. Missing and assumed Lost with all hands. Eric Dresmund: Junker, smuggler, thief. Last seen drunk on Beaumont Vayrn Wyard: IMG Recon pilot turned Neo-Terran Captain. Last location unknown
' Wrote:Option 2 leaves us in exactly the same spot as we are now. A faction says they don't want to share their tech, others say that's not fair.
option 1 has little chance. Admit it, Puretech? Discovery. No. Disco is more than just Discoverying new syatems and such, its discovering roleplay opportunities, alot of which start with tech requests!
So, lets go with option 3 then! Yeah! No more of this crap, no more worrying!
Hence option two.
and trying to drag us away from this was the plan...
' Wrote:Well I'm sorry. There's no way for me to tell you each and every nuance of my character, it would take too long, and it's not the topic I was trying to focus on. You only have a limited understanding of what's been given you, but that's a fraction of the entire story and you don't know the context behind it all.
I appreciate your concern, but I'm not interested in going any further into it. It's off topic.
I think you've misunderstood what I've said. I'm not trying to tell you how to role play your character. I merely took an example you gave and countered it. Nothing more, nothing less.
@ Hunter
You agree there should be limitations and restrictions to prevent everyone from having crazy or unique set ups. You merely disagree on the level of limitations. You believe that the admins should loosen the belt a little, so to say.
The problem with that is, even though you and I know that most requests shouldn't be approved, the player making the request has it in his head that his request is 100% valid and should be approved and if they are denied they are upset over it.
I think the current system is fine, could we use a new SRP system? I'd like to see one, but we haven't had one in awhile and we aren't hurting because of it. The problem with an Special Role Play request system is that: (Edit: because he said it better than I.)
' Wrote:The real problem is that people think for their character to be unique, then they need to be special, and that they need SRP or White celled tech to display this.
So what it boils down to is that people aren't creative enough to roleplay the uniqueness of their character, so they have to show it in-game instead by using different tech.
You could say that by giving faction leaders the responsibility to manage tech requests, they've given us a taste of what they dealt with regarding the SRP system. Very clever admins. :crazy:
' Wrote:The problem with an Special Role Play request system is that everyone thinks their request is special. Thus it gets flooded.
The real problem is that people think for their character to be unique, then they need to be special, and that they need SRP or White celled tech to display this.
So what it boils down to is that people aren't creative enough to roleplay the uniqueness of their character, so they have to show it in-game instead by using different tech.
Behold the few important things in amongst 16 pages of faction leaders defending their actions against the disagreement of a few individuals.
' Wrote:Being granted white cell technology is a privilege not a right. If you are given what you requested it's a courtesy of factions and if they don't they are not abusing the system, they are just not doing you a favor.
You have right to use all green cell technology freely without obstructions or abuse.
Everything on this server is about privileges. We are privileged that the Development Team has shared their hard work, completely for free - and that's just an example. It is better to consider "what privileges have I been granted?", rather than "what rights do I demand?", especially considering a vast majority of players don't contribute to the maintenance of the server, forum, or creation of the mod.
' Wrote:This thread is getting just a bit ridiculous.
Sometimes, things just aren't fair.
That's life.
Edit: And there is nothing that everyone will be happy with. That's also life.
The system has been in place for quite some time, and it seems to work fairly well in most cases. I don't recall spotting a request which was just 'no' for the sake of saying no. Every faction has their reasons.
I'm willing to rescind this point if contrary evidence is provided.
' Wrote:Speaking of, whose alt are you?
That's still a valid question.
Oh, while I'm here....
Quote:I think the current system is fine, could we use a new SRP system? I'd like to see one, but we haven't had one in awhile and we aren't hurting because of it.
I don't think the lack of SRPs are causing a problem at the moment. Make ordinary characters interesting, not interesting characters ordinary.
However, I'm sure I've heard rumours of a system to replace SRP planned to come out with v4.86. That's just hearsay, though; you'll have to go hunting yourselves if you want a definite answer.
(stopped reading through the topic after reading "ABUSE!!!" for the 5279257462567354 time from Hexx)
you complain about factionleaders who limit the factions tech? uh?
like I already readed in another post. its a possibility for others to use the tech NOT A RIGHT!
the white cell system gives some of the tech and "special RP" work to the factions.
if the admins would have to handle it you could be sure there would be lot more white cells red.
Everyone got his RP backround.
if its good... you have a chance to get your toys.
on the other side. if the RP of the faction is currently not fitting to your request, or the faction dun rlly knows you (cause you never/not that often playd with em) they are free to denie it.
the techchart is not 100% based on the factions RP.
good example i have to deal with here and there:
mercs requesting order tech... O_o
ye there is a white cell but order resouces are limited and our tech is way to complicated and hard to maintain for a merc. so if there is no daaaaamn good reason. you'll never see such a request granted.
forgive me if there is lettermixup and bad grammar... just stood up *yaaaawn*
' Wrote:And it's that kind of self-righteous, i'm always right you all suck attitude that makes people want to be a jerk. I rest my case.
Noted. (Have not done that in a while. Oh well.)
' Wrote:I would love to give people tech really. oddly enough no one ever wants Lugers...
Are they shiny?
' Wrote:At least you've got three factions that agree on tech usage. God forbid if we ever got the Zoners to come to a consensus.
Depends on whether your definition of Zoner RP is following lore and role-play or being a corporation using neutrality protection.
More to the point, The Omicroners are more than willing to hear your suggestions for shared technology use.
To be honest, what is described is not abuse. It is lackadaisical behaviour. Perfectly allowed, but sounds like poor form. Overall thought is meh, since I would not again use Corsair equipment on any of my characters.