Meh, caps are slow and most cruisers got bad arcs for their CD's. Not really ideal ships for pirating, also with them being such an inviting target (try and log on a cruiser and go to conneticut and see how happy you make bomber pilots there). I reckon in no time we will have lawful bomber mobs patrolling the lanes, and many salty pirate cap ship pilot tears on the forum.
I aprove this change because transports will most likely move in convoy with escorts now, and if a pirate cap want's to pirate them he will have to engage escorts first equal more pvp and more fun more rp.
Interesting rule changes you guys have made there.
Will have to see how it all works out.
I will say that for the most part I can agree with these rules, but have a few hesitations, will have to see how they hold up with the new system.
' Wrote:Now corporations need to be given permission to use cruisers and battleships to even the playing field.:smile2:
Power Pirating is also a cancer.
I'm sad that i gotta tell you this, but....
uhm, 1 escort LF/VHF + 1-2 bombers and 3-4 transports is able to decimate most of the piracy attempts they encounter... I used to be in USI, an convoy of 1 Eagle, 1 Havok, 2 Large Trains, 1 Adv Train and a Democritus was able to fend off 2 Stortas with ease.... yes the caps got sanctioned back then, but still, we lost only our eagle...
all i see in this thread is preemptive whining about how this can turn out not how it currently is.... Most lolwut pirates are the ones who are either too bored to powertrade, or simply bored of the game itself... some of them will read this and get a cruiser, some may try use their BS, in the end they will get killed just as fast as always, cuz most lolwut pirates suck in pvp against VHF/Bombers.....