I think that it's fine for modular transports like the Stork, which use cargo pods, to carry passengers because those cargo pods can inRP be anything; they can be science labs, passenger housing, or anything as long as you RP it.
edit: I had a humanitarian ship once, which transported refugees from Leeds to various Rheinland planets, then brought meds from Cambridge to Leeds, I think it was a Stork or a similar vessel. I wanted to use a passenger liner and was told to just RP the cargo pods iirc.
"Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will, in fact, calm up."
We also can add human mining with human mining turrets from human fields with a descent drop of VIPs from every luxury rock.
Actually, we can always seek for out of roleplay solution. For example, I had a habit to blow every non-Liner and non-Yacht to pieces on my Gaian regardless of everything. But it's out of roleplay, it's once again a bad measure that will make people call you a petty pvpwhore that ignores their roleplay of pasageneers packed into crates inside those cargo pods.
Actually, the idea with custom cargo space is interesting, though, questionable unless we know that it's doable and the dev team desires to have it implemented along with the other, more important, stuff for the mod update.
Talking of non-specific ships for human cargo, I'll put poor refugees running from the terror aside since they are the guys that won't complain about transported in the questionable ships.
' Wrote:I think that it's fine for modular transports like the Stork, which use cargo pods, to carry passengers because those cargo pods can inRP be anything; they can be science labs, passenger housing, or anything as long as you RP it.
edit: I had a humanitarian ship once, which transported refugees from Leeds to various Rheinland planets, then brought meds from Cambridge to Leeds, I think it was a Stork or a similar vessel. I wanted to use a passenger liner and was told to just RP the cargo pods iirc.
1. Well ... No. You can't RP that the yellow cargo pod is suitable for the transportation of anything living. If the mod wanted passenger pods or mountable science labs, they would already have them. I think Jinx mentioned that some time ago that even those cargo pods we have are undesired by the dev team.
2. Refugees are different from normal human cargo, of course. In fact, everyone is encouraged to take them to safety (planet Holstein, for example)!
3. I don't think you can set a value lower than 1 or non-absolute numbers (1, 2, 3 ... but not 1.25626, 2.1353 etc.) for cargo space for a commodity.
Quote:We also can add human mining with human mining turrets from human fields with a descent drop of VIPs from every luxury rock.
Funny idea. The rocks are little VIP Starfliers then? :D
I think passengers on things like Liners and Yachts should take up only two cargo spaces instead of four. It just makes sense that these ships are designed to accommodate people. This should be reflected in their cargo capability.
' Wrote:I think passengers on things like Liners and Yachts should take up only two cargo spaces instead of four. It just makes sense that these ships are designed to accommodate people. This should be reflected in their cargo capability.
I would like to see the human cargo to take 0.5 place on this ships. The problem is if this is possible mod-wise?
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
I would like to see Liners make money off their cargo as they travel, similar to how cruise ships in real life make money from their passengers during the cruise.
Perhaps some commands at different bases or at different sightseeing locations to make money off of a cargo full of VIPs or Tourists could be added. I suggest this only because I have the ability to help code it. What do you think sir?
' Wrote:They need more space. Seats, rooms, luggage. ;)
But if we put them on a ship specially designed for these things, then it would be no bother. I see the extra cargo as something required on other ships. As in they have to provide this stop on a commercial transport or else the passengers won't board. Liners need to have some sort of advantage when it comes to passengers, or else I can just get the best out of it by stuffing them in a Mastodon?