[color=#FFFFFF]Okay, so what people have most problems with are overpowered combos of ships and weapons. What if someone wanted a say... Vigilante Pilgrim? Purely for roleplay, an idea that can't be accomplished without a unique ID, since a Vigilante MUST have a lawful IFF, and equipment and ZOI to match... A slaver dies, and his son inherits the ship, but the son HATES slaving and dismisses the whole crew, gets a new one and fights slavery in his Pilgrim cause he can't/doesn't want to get another ship? How is that OP or OORP in any way? If a Corsair char RP's stealing a Nyx (with the IMG/CR approval, of course) why should the decision whether the character can indeed get a Nyx lie with the admins, and not IMG/CR? Sure, this could promote elitism, backroom politics, favoring, but let's face it, better if it happened openly than behind 90% of the community's back. If a Corsair stole a Nyx, the IMG -AND- CR would smack such a huge bounty on his ass he'd practically be hunted down as soon as he logged on. That would be his fault and a drawback of the SRP he'd have to deal with.
So, the best alternative to SRP would be making the tech charts green and white, with only the extremes being red (Order with BHG guns, Corsair/Outcast combos, Bret/Kusari combos etc).
Sucks to be a weight on the wrong side of the brilliance-insanity scale.
SRPs are too much time consuming, I saw you proposed to take non-biased person, it won't work, simply take 3 guys that hate one the other and let them decide I quite positive this will work good.
' Wrote:also... if an independent commitee was created, it would need to consist of players who want to do the job - contrary to "get into the job". - happens too often that a team is created - and its members... having reached peak responsibility .... simply vanish. ( similar to special RPs... you put a lot of efford into getting there... but maintaining it is a different thing )
That's why the team would probably not be a set in stone team, each time it would be based on volunteers who are willing to write long posts elaborating on why something reaches X requirements; if someone wanted to take a break, that'd be fine, and every month or week or so they switch out with another group (or if no one is a nerd here, then maybe half of them will switch out. . .or they'll stay the same until someone wants to have a whack at it). It wouldn't be something to (only) earn brownie points, but rather to actually get things moving along. Being a part of that team is more of a public duty, less of a hardcore responsibility unless someone wants to do it that way. The way you're stating it would only work if they were hardcore about it, but is the simplest, least flexable but preferable way.
I also think that people with special RP's should be required to play, because they're only getting special RP's to benefit the rest of the community. The major problem we had with Prestige Classes was that there were too many people just doing it so they could have a powerful character. It's important that we express a much less cynical standpoint and show that SRP is supposed to benefit the whole community through it's uniqueness!
' Wrote:If I didn't know better, I would say you're my alt. Nice sig/avvy
I thought he was...
' Wrote:Obviously SRPs are pretty cool, they give you something special to acknowledge and legitimize your roleplay as being 'beyond the norm,' but couldn't you just display that in the game with how your character behaves?
You know what my SRPs are for? A camera ship and the ability to RP with it. And a Liner for RepEx's HQ, because the tech chart didn't allow us to keep a ship we'd had for years and years.
Obviously those aren't the norm, but from my POV, SRPs allowed exceptions to rather strict rules. They aren't just for "terrorist battleship outcast turned corsair plz" requests, but they allow the admins to have some flexibility.
They also allow people a creative outlet, and give people something to strive towards. Which makes things a bit more interesting. Yes, I can play my ex BAF pilot in an Eagle or something similar, but it's a nice little treat to be able to have his Challenger with him. Is that Challenger or the 50 or so other exceptions -that- game breaking?
I also disagree with the notion that "if SRPs are opened, everyone will get one, and then nobody will be special." Let us all be unspecial together. But even that is a logical fallicy. My Junker has no need to SRP himself an OC dread, or a LN fighter, or anything, he'll just keep flying his Junker ships because that's what he knows and loves. And I suspect there are a large amount of characters out there like that.
' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]So, the best alternative to SRP would be making the tech charts green and white, with only the extremes being red (Order with BHG guns, Corsair/Outcast combos, Bret/Kusari combos etc).
Just holding you up, who gets to say what's the "extreme" and where to draw that line?
And mwerte, I think the point is people want the 'rather strict rules' to change. Sometimes SRP can be very useful for getting ships that aren't allowed under ID period (like that liner, or something like a Junker Scylla), where it would otherwise be a green/white cell. Those aren't too hard to imagine, and I think there should be a separate process since processing a Republic Lux Liner and a Manta with Krakens are two very separate things.
' Wrote:Just holding you up, who gets to say what's the "extreme" and where to draw that line?
Extremes would be things that just CAN NOT voluntarily happen, such as a Titan with Krakens, a Sabre with salamancas, an Odin with tizonas, a Wrath with Vengeances, a Guardian with Reapers... that sort of fad. Stuff that just CAN NOT happen via a deal. And to counter "lol i stoled ur guns" RP-wise they have killswitches that just don't let them work on certain ships unless go through a few months of thorough hacking and re-wiring by someone who knows their job. How about that?
Sucks to be a weight on the wrong side of the brilliance-insanity scale.
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' Wrote:Extremes would be things that just CAN NOT voluntarily happen, such as a Titan with Krakens, a Sabre with salamancas, an Odin with tizonas, a Wrath with Vengeances, a Guardian with Reapers... that sort of fad. Stuff that just CAN NOT happen via a deal. And to counter "lol i stoled ur guns" RP-wise they have killswitches that just don't let them work on certain ships unless go through a few months of thorough hacking and re-wiring by someone who knows their job. How about that?
Well, Curios has a Sabre with Tizzies...not sure if it's SRP or what..
Not gonna dive in the middle of this discussion tho, I think I already stated my opinion in some other thread.
' Wrote:Quite a concept, Dusty has the same thoughts, meanwhile he
Well, good for Dusty I guess?
I don't know, I think this is a difficult situation with arguments in favor on both sides. But I do feel that many people felt the SRP system was unfair. For me, the most simple answer, and the one that will hopefully treat the most people the most equally is a pure tech system.
' Wrote:[font=Comic Sans Ms]But they did get approved. Dab gets his terrorist carrier by talking to him / herself, Jameson gets his alternative guns by posting his character bio, Akura gets Outcast and Nomad guns from a single outcast drone, Dusty gets Sabres with Black Widows by again, roleplaying with himself. And Enchee recieved the covetted Titan - Kraken combo from again, a bio.
Idk m8 but last I checked I never had a Kraken Titan, I did have a Blood Dragon with Lamias, Skyblasts, a DBlossom and a Defiler though. I think that was some other dude in Outcast county with the Titan and Krakens. But let me not fuel the flame here and tell everyone something about the glory of SRPs, from my experience, after quoting someone's words here.
' Wrote:So that people who get approved don't use their special chars like the majority before? Lets be real. We seldom see those who got approved.
You all want this so much but 90% of all of you would stop frequently (or permanently) playing that char in a month or two. <strike>Keyword is "frequently". And "permanently", hell yes.</strike> [/b]
The gentleman doth have a point there, lads. The fancy stuff ain't around that often usually. And the stuff that is around often but falls in the SRP area ain't all that fancy.
By the time I got what I wanted way longer ago I just couldn't be bothered with it anymore because it wasn't worth the effort. Most of the extra-fancy stuff ain't worth the effort to be honest. And even if it is worth the effort, it loses its appeal in a way most of the time, once you have it. Because when you already have it, you're at a road's end. That road that led you to getting what you were after. So with that road ending, you can conjure yourself another, or not. Generally the fancy stuff tends to stay at a dead-end, stuck in a limited role (bar exceptions).
Whereas the less fancy stuff keeps on going and going and going and going because it's not really that fancy at all and the less fancy it is the less of a part it appears to be of the whole thing around the particular character, both from an external as your own view, hence why you and the character just keep going, with the less-fancy stuff you have being a plus, but not the whole ordeal. The extra-fancy stuff usually tends to fill most of the room you would else fill with the usual things you would be doing with a character when the fancy stuff, or the road to the fancy stuff, wasn't there.
That make any sense?
' Wrote:In RPG terms:
I want to be a magician dwarf, half elv half samurai, fighting against corruption with a sword, a shield and a bazooka, wearing a pretty princess dress.
But I don't want to be either of those.
I always wanted to play a Half-Orcish Bard going by the name of "Bubba" in FL who has by the help of his legendary artifact, an electric Lute of Random Planeswalking +5, ended up in the FL universe and since he didn't know how long he'd be staying around here he'd be going out on a quest to become the Universe's most famous Rockstar, for the coin and cleavage of course. He'd also be wearing a kilt and ocassionally speak in a Scottish accent due to some loose screws in his head, on top of sometimes randomly appearing in any possible location in Sirius thanks to that artifact-E-Lute, and thusly ending up in plenty of sticky situations. Or hilarious ones.