' Wrote:Would you fly it without guns too ?
This is basic example why SRP's are ridiculous , you can write fairy tale about getting it. But you could have played a lone bounty hunter captain role all this time.
' Wrote:If you dont know the "right people" you dont get anything here.
But if you get in the clique..you get what you want..its nudge nudge wink wink.
And dont try tell me this isnt true ..because it is, and you all know it.
Making the deliberation process entirely transparent instead of "eggnog-opaque" would do a lot to countermand this phenomenon.
' Wrote:1. Restricts me even more than my RepEx ID. With AI ID I can't attack ANYONE except in self-defense, which is nonexistent with that elephant of a ship. I only wanted AI ID over RepEx ID to illustrate the fact it's an AI working for RepEx, not an actual person. In addition, I can't use a Behemoth due to the fact Skrymir is huge (hardware-wise) and takes up much of the Colossus' cockpit, it just wouldn't fit in a Behemoth. Basically, it would be a small step down, and a bit more customization, since with the RepEx ID I can still trade with the 5k.
Why do you insist on using AI ID? Many people have roleplay'd AI entities with faction ID. LPI Sentinel, FRAN, the mercenary killing machine, LNS-Wolfcrest and others.
You don't need the AI ID for your RP.
' Wrote:Would you fly it without guns too ?
This is basic example why SRP's are ridiculous , you can write fairy tale about getting it. But you could have played a lone bounty hunter captain role all this time.
[color=#FFFFFF][font=Agency FB]1. Why would I fly it COMPLETELY without guns? To get shot down by anyone who feels like it? But if the need be, I said I'd mount weaker than cruiser turrets on it if that was required of me.
2. Yes, but a lone bounty hunter captain is marked as scum in the eyes of everything that he's red to. Why would he HAVE to fight against Corsairs for example? Or Order? Do tell, if the captain doesn't WANT to fight them, but he's still obliged to if he's part of the Core, and he doesn't want to relinquish his capship while going into... I don't know, retirement or something. It's easily explained and not that ridiculous, you know.
Sucks to be a weight on the wrong side of the brilliance-insanity scale.
' Wrote:[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]1. Restricts me even more than my RepEx ID. With AI ID I can't attack ANYONE except in self-defense, which is nonexistent with that elephant of a ship. I only wanted AI ID over RepEx ID to illustrate the fact it's an AI working for RepEx, not an actual person. In addition, I can't use a Behemoth due to the fact Skrymir is huge (hardware-wise) and takes up much of the Colossus' cockpit, it just wouldn't fit in a Behemoth. Basically, it would be a small step down, and a bit more customization, since with the RepEx ID I can still trade with the 5k.
2. Thanks.[Small edit: Only want the Umbrage (or Huntress, as you wish) for its SEXY looks. It totally looks uber high tech-ish and something of a researcher's wet dream.]
[Edit edit: I'm willing to even be limited to gunboat or transport turrets on it. Honestly. I can't care less for its PVP potential.]
3. I'd like a capital ship because I already have a story behind the said ship, and I doubt a crew of 74 men (which all have their names and roles, mind you) could fit on a Bottlenose or Orca.
1. You've just demonstrated one of the key issues at hand. You think you need an AI ID to show people your character is an AI. Are you not capable of role playing and getting that point across to another player? If you can't role play your AI RepEx character in a way that the other player understands it is an AI, then that is your problem.
Athenian's point is that you can achieve the exact same results by using the RepEx ID and role playing instead of demanding an SRP in which a group of people have to read and then voice their opinion on the matter. Which causes angst within the community because it leads to some getting approved and others getting denied.
Your idea works with a RepEx ID. Use the RepEx ID. It is less work on you and the administration.
2. The Umbrage is Phantom technology. The chances of you stealing an entire cruiser from one of the most feared terrorist groups in the sector is slim. The SCRA salvaged a Phantom ship and the Phantoms glassed one of their planets. That leads one to believe that they'd come in force to kill you. If they still existed. While I personally wouldn't give two cents if you had this set up the point Athenian is making is this:
You can role play your researcher in another ship, why do you need an Umbrage? Cuz it looks cool? That isn't enough of a reason to warrant the time it takes to review and process a SRP. Does the researcher ID need the ability to use a cruiser? Perhaps. I've no issue with giving the Corvo out to Researcher IDs pending a review of the intended role play with other Zoner leaders, but that too requires a SRP. That however is a subject to be discussed elsewhere.
3. Pointless to post an example and then not give any reasoning. Why can't you use a BHG Core ID? Is your mercenary unlawful or something? Or you just don't want to follow the BHG Core role play and lore?
The crux of the problem is that people think they need certain combinations of ship, gun, and IDs to show their characters uniqueness. Somni gave the perfect example. You do not need an AI ID to convince another character yours is an AI. You can do that via role play. This either stems from the fact that players lack the ability to role play well enough to display the uniqueness of their character or don't believe they can role play well enough to display it.
Another issue stemming from that is that some requests can be role played out in another method that is within the rule set. The IC example of needing gunboats is a perfect example (and one Athenian already pointed out). The IC players could simple create a sub faction of mercenaries and hire them as escorts. IC players could hire another mercenary player faction or individual too. Instead of doing these they demand that only a SRP that allows them to use gunboats is acceptable for whatever reason. This is an example, I am not accusing the IC| of doing this. Why does this matter? Simple, their insistence on wanting a SRP means another group of players has to set time aside to review and process their application. This time could have been well spent doing any number of other things, one being: enjoying the game with the rest of us.
Then there is the fact that SRPs aren't balanced, as Athenian explained here (and to me on Skype). A SRP grants you something others aren't granted, a positive. At the same time it create any negative aspects for you. This game is all about balancing the positive and negative aspects of your character. For example, I have a Zoner whale. Cool, I can haul 5000 goods as a Zoner. That is a positive. The negative? I can't dock in 90% of house space so my routes are some what limited.
Basically what is being said is, player attitudes need to change so that a true SRP system can be implemented and sustained. Without that, no system will work as intended and will be unsustainable.
' Wrote:player attitudes need to change so that a true SRP system can be implemented and sustained. Without that, no system will work as intended and will be unsustainable.
' Wrote:1. You've just demonstrated one of the key issues at hand. You think you need an AI ID to show people your character is an AI. Are you not capable of role playing and getting that point across to another player? If you can't role play your AI RepEx character in a way that the other player understands it is an AI, then that is your problem.
[color=#FFFFFF]-I didn't say I CAN'T roleplay an AI with a RepEx ID, it's the fact that has been explained for a few times now, that having an ID counts as having a pilot. I don't NEED it, I just think it would be cool to HAVE it.
2. The Umbrage is Phantom technology. The chances of you stealing an entire cruiser from one of the most feared terrorist groups in the sector is slim. The SCRA salvaged a Phantom ship and the Phantoms glassed one of their planets. That leads one to believe that they'd come in force to kill you. If they still existed. While I personally wouldn't give two cents if you had this set up the point Athenian is making is this:
[color=#FFFFFF]-That's exactly the point. The Phantoms are no longer. From a player's point of view, they no longer exist. Why can't someone randomly stumble across an Umbrage? Yes, it looks amazing. And it IS my top choice for a researcher if I could get a cruiser. The whole Phantom Empire would be at my back? So be it, but since there's no player faction to enforce that, what's the point of your argument? They can't glass any planets if there's noone to do it.
3. Pointless to post an example and then not give any reasoning. Why can't you use a BHG Core ID? Is your mercenary unlawful or something? Or you just don't want to follow the BHG Core role play and lore?
[color=#FFFFFF]-Either of those things is right. I don't see why a Core captain would have to be a part of it his whole life if he bought the capship through his own work in the BHG, he wasn't GIVEN one. It's his property, unlike say... a KNF cruiser. (the KNF don't buy their own stuff cause they get a regular paycheck and get ASSIGNED to ships as captains, while the BHG earn money as they work for it to buy better equipment)
The crux of the problem is that people think they need certain combinations of ship, gun, and IDs to show their characters uniqueness. Somni gave the perfect example. You do not need an AI ID to convince another character yours is an AI. You can do that via role play. This either stems from the fact that players lack the ability to role play well enough to display the uniqueness of their character or don't believe they can role play well enough to display it.
[color=#FFFFFF]-This is a false statement. You can try roleplaying as much as you like with a Core ID'd character, but Order, Corsairs, any unlawful will just go "stfu" and shoot you. PLEASE do not try to deny it, you know it's true. Even if you show you don't want to shoot them, they will shoot you just because of the ID. You'd be surprised how little people care about anything other than the ID. The point is noone NEEDS SRP. They all WANT it, only to enhance the appearance. (I've had this happen a few times, I got asked why I have no AI ID on the ship I was roleplaying as an AI, just shows how much people care for RP over ID)
Another issue stemming from that is that some requests can be role played out in another method that is within the rule set. The IC example of needing gunboats is a perfect example (and one Athenian already pointed out). The IC players could simple create a sub faction of mercenaries and hire them as escorts. IC players could hire another mercenary player faction or individual too. Instead of doing these they demand that only a SRP that allows them to use gunboats is acceptable for whatever reason. This is an example, I am not accusing the IC| of doing this. Why does this matter? Simple, their insistence on wanting a SRP means another group of players has to set time aside to review and process their application. This time could have been well spent doing any number of other things, one being: enjoying the game with the rest of us.
[color=#FFFFFF]-Why do you hate SRP? Please, don't try to tell me if you COULD have SRP, you wouldn't. It's a load of bollocks and you know it. If you can be more special than others, you would. There are some things you just CAN NOT achieve through RP. And besides, if a group of volunteers wanted to review and process the SRPs, I don't think they'd mind having to do it. And if you care only cause you get less people to play with, then it's just plain selfish.
Then there is the fact that SRPs aren't balanced, as Athenian explained here (and to me on Skype). A SRP grants you something others aren't granted, a positive. At the same time it create any negative aspects for you. This game is all about balancing the positive and negative aspects of your character. For example, I have a Zoner whale. Cool, I can haul 5000 goods as a Zoner. That is a positive. The negative? I can't dock in 90% of house space so my routes are some what limited.
[color=#FFFFFF]-Yes and? The rule said ONE SRP per character. If that meant having an advantage in the form of a Freelancer ID'd 5k, that person would sacrifice an amazing choice for meaningful SRP in order to gain 2 mill extra per hour? Bright move.
Basically what is being said is, player attitudes need to change so that a true SRP system can be implemented and sustained. Without that, no system will work as intended and will be unsustainable.
[color=#FFFFFF]-People's attitudes need to change for the world to work better, don't they? It's so easy blaming it all on the community. Well screw it, I don't wanna be a face in the crowd. If I CAN have an SRP character, why not try get one?
Sucks to be a weight on the wrong side of the brilliance-insanity scale.