If you have an issue with the factions that are invite only, consider this; it is far easier and more fun to be in a faction where everyone gets along.
As for the factions who don't have independent players? Big deal. Most of them have open recruitment. The CR, Keepers, Aoi Iseijin, & SCRA are not invite only. I think the Wilde faction is. As for the CR, Keepers, & SCRA; if you know their lore and can role play their roles properly nothing is stopping you from joining them. Oh, but Daedric, I don't want to join them because I don't want to be told what to do! Guess what? They are official and you'd have to if they issued an FR2. The way it is now means we don't have drama over CR independent players not wanting to follow the lore and role play of the CR; the admins don't have to process 6.10 sanctions. Same with the SCRA and the Keepers.
What you really meant to say is, I want to fly their ships and blow people up using their ships and guns. You don't care about the lore or role play of the faction. Your panties are in a bunch because they have ships and guns you can't use. Guess what? There are other servers and there is single player if you want to try their ships out.
While I don't normally go by people's join date because it is honestly an extremely bogus marker to judge someone by; most of the whine about how unfair the rules are, how the system is so bad, and how official factions are so evil is coming from people who've been playing here less than a year. This community has been here longer than you've been here. Longer than I've been here. It operates the way it does based on past issues that have occurred. Most of you seem to only whine because you can't get exactly what it is you want. This is a community, it does not revolve around you.
You want a faction like the CR or the SCRA? How about you go do the leg work like their founders did? They didn't just join the community and then demand they be given ships and guns. They created a faction from scratch, role played, became official, and then got their own stuff.
I'm not trying to insult anyone, but some of you refuse to join these factions merely because they are factions. Pretty crappy reason if you ask me. Anyways, I've said my peace. Time to go have fun in game, which we all need to do more of.
@ Daedric, i do support the open faction thingie, cause honestly i dont notice the difference between indies and some of those official factions....
Main example since im mostly RP as a OC: CR DO NOT roleplay, they gank, they rape, they wtfpwn the system somedays but they do NOT roleplay, i havent met a single one so far that has actually said a word about the CR roleplay.
The furthest i got was on my IMG when he asked: any trouble in the system?
Dont get me wrong im not Q-Q'ing or anything, i know some keepers and some wilde people that are Superb roleplayers. and in the SCRA's case: well they might be the very definition of ganking ingame but ive seen some brilliant forum RP of that faction.
I guess the point of all what im saying would be: ALl of those factions have players in them that are even bigger lolwuts than the worst "i r rus, wat english be?, arrr peee not exist" Indie. if you'd only keep them like that to prevent lolwut indies than there wouldnt be much purpose to it
A Psalm out of the outcast history books.
The dons are our shepherds; I shall not want. They make us live with a cause; They lead us trough the still vasts of space. They restore our souls; They lead us in the paths of righteousness For The Orange Dream. Yai, though we fly through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil; For the Spirits are with us; Your leadership and Your cardamine, they comfort us. You prepare a safe home for us in the presence of our enemies; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us All the days of our life; And we will dwell in the house of the outcasts Forever
Dearest, most delicate Outcast souls - you have been summarily mistreated because you are summarily not worth any better. Individuals perhaps, but I'm not up against individuals, am I?
' Wrote:@ Daedric, i do support the open faction thingie, cause honestly i dont notice the difference between indies and some of those official factions....
Main example since im mostly RP as a OC: CR DO NOT roleplay, they gank, they rape, they wtfpwn the system somedays but they do NOT roleplay, i havent met a single one so far that has actually said a word about the CR roleplay.
The furthest i got was on my IMG when he asked: any trouble in the system?
Role playing =/= talking in game.
Role play is fulfilling one's prescribed role. The CR's role is to protect the IMG in Tau-23, intercept Cardamine transports and destroy them, and other roles I don't know about nor do I care about.
What that means, is it is their role play to gank, rape, and wtfpwn you. It is their role play to shoot at your Outcast. They are a sworn enemy of the Outcasts. When sworn enemies meet, they don't typically spend hours talking. They proceed with trying to kill each other.
I am not trying to insult you, but yes, all you are doing is whining. They don't act how you want them to act, so they are wrong is what I get from your post. They are fulfilling their role as defined by their faction's lore and current role play.
I can't comment on the conduct of their members regarding ooRP actions and such. I'm merely making a statement based on the fact you seem to want them to talk and if they don't they aren't role play.
' Wrote:Since it is hard to discuss with you I will ask again why in-Real balance terms not in some imaginary RP ones, why players from this factions have unfair advantage compared with the other factions?
Like I said, it's not unfair at all. Just a tad of a challenge. Everyone is beatable.
You seem to think that for some reason your characters 'deserve' a fair chance against everyone they meet in space... One player has gained the upper hand by joining a faction that has better weaponry. That's their choice and the path they took. When you meet them in-game, it's your time to make the best decision of it.
Its like if I'm beating you in a chess game. You can't claim "Hey I only have my King and 2 Pawns left, you need to get rid of your Queen and those Rooks to make it a 'fair' fight." But Veygaar, in that situation both sides started out fair. Same in Disco, everyone starts at the beginning, and works their way around. It's not made to be perfectly 'balanced,' if Disco was this way then we'd all be flying Eagles with Flashpoints as our only weapon.
' Wrote:And why the majority of the community just cope with it like it is np till other OP stuff get nerfed and frown upon a lot? BS GS for example, Zoner GB turrets for Indies as well as many others?
I don't know if I understand what your saying here. Unless your asking why people get mad when stuff gets nerfed? And the answer is because it IS 'balancing' the game out. Making everything the same, taking away challenges, or goals to reach; It normalizes everything, it steals the factor of individuality in the physical form. SURE we can RP our individuality and make our characters actions the deciding factor of who we are. But mark my words, if we were all flying Flashpoint Eagles (an extreme example of 'balancing' every ship) and having to RP the differences of ourselves just by our words... This server would be dead.
But Veygaar, it would never get that bad...
Trying to take away certain advantages (almost every faction has one somewhere) will lead to more nerfing, and more, and more, and more. Pretty soon, you'll find yourself in a pretty dull game. It's like when Umbridge starts taking away 'rights' and special 'privilages' in Harry Potter, she does it to make things 'better.' But we all know how the 'students' ended up feeling about that. Now in Disco its not 'rights' but 'agile ships.' And instead of 'privilages' its 'strong weapons.' And instead of 'students' its 'players.' The tighter they get squeezed, the more unpleasant they get.
Do not try to alter the game to meet your demands. Get what you want by playing WITHIN the predefined game. You came to Disco, not Disco to you...
That isn't valid proof it has gotten that bad. That was merely a suggestion in an effort to try to resolve a few issues that have been pointed out and I'll admit my lack of knowledge regarding how weapons are already balanced means that suggestion had its own flaws.
Exactly, which would lead to 'rebalancing' of ships, making them all the same and on and on. Till we're pretty much just forumlancing 24/7. There are plenty of 'Forum RP' sites, where you play no game, just write stories and other people write em with you. You want that, go do that.
Disco is video game competition environment enveloped in Role Play. A hybrid in a sense. Not pure RP, not pure video game. But if you take away the individuality of either part, you lose the essence of the original intention...
EDIT- Not to say that is has come to that yet. But at least, from my perspective, that would be a step in the wrong direction. And would degrade what is currently standing.