But, the real question is this, do we really want every. Single.Faction. To have the "i rUSS ))" stuff going on?
Even if you're not the founder, I'm pretty sure that you at least give half a damn about the faction that you've been entrusted with?
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' Wrote:Why you will not see me screaming "nerf " Krakens- yes Krakens are the best faction hull bunsters available but on the other side the corsairs have the best shield busters available- this is called a balance.
Outcasts may be balanced against Corsairs, and vice versa, but what about when those tizzies and infernos and krakens are turned on other factions? What about when mercenaries fight for these factions and are given their technology, to use on other people all over Sirius?
For a long time on this server I was Molly and lived with raid after raid of superior ship/weapon technology. I fought as hard as I could and took them out as many times as I could. I set traps, caught them in unfriendly ground, fought dirty. As a Molly should.
I agree with Teschy's post on some levels.
There is a degree of lolwuttery in most npc factions.
The question "elite" factions ask is 'Why do you want us to have lolwuts? It would only make life worse for you.'
"The problem is that you're dealing with people, and sometimes no matter how hard you work for getting in a faction, the leader might simply not like you, and reject you."
If a leader does not like you, might there not be a reason for it? Like, for example, person x repeatedly attacks leader y, whatever character they're on, whatever standing reputation is like. Behaviour like that is not the sort that would lend itself well to an "elite" faction.
"Elite" factions are constantly asked to justify themselves. Why do they exist? Why can't everyone use them? But every amateur reporter jumps on -any- hint of "bad RP" or "gank" and screams bloody murder. The community seems to expect us to hold to a higher standard than the rest, how can we do that in a situation where the ID is given out to everyone?
Factions are repeatedly told that attempting to "control" indies is powerplay, but most of the complaints a faction receives (some inRP) are about faction indies who are not aware of rules, prior roleplay or expected behaviour. "Elite" factions get around this problem by being the entirety of a faction. They have power over their -members- since none are indies. As such, they have the power and the motivation to check the roleplay and behaviour of their members.
Addendum: Not all indies are bad, m'kay. But people new to the server and new to the rules are, to the very greatest degree, mostly indies.
' Wrote:And the reputation/ships/equipment won't at all be affected by this change?
Oh, so it is about losing your precious stuff after all, isn't it? Well I'm sure the HF have nothing to lose from this deal. They can keep their Blood Dragon and Outcast ships, they belong to the official faction.
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The question Matthew Keil is raising, I think, is the one about whether the people kicking up a fuss want to join the faction for the roleplay, or just so they can pew pew people with slightly more powerful guns. If the guns were balanced to match flashpoints would these people kicking up a fuss still want to join?
' Wrote:The question Matthew Keil is raising, I think, is the one about whether the people kicking up a fuss want to join the faction for the roleplay, or just so they can pew pew people with slightly more powerful guns. If the guns were balanced to match flashpoints would these people kicking up a fuss still want to join?
I mean damn, they'd be at a -disadvantage-.
The HF currently use Hacker guns, so indie HF's wouldn't be any different than the LH indies in terms of stats.
This discussion is not about stats, though.
' Wrote:Teschy. Ur 1n teh Council right? We r l33t right - so wai so sirius? u crezi.
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