The first thing to happen would probably be a civil war, because as soon as a group who is formed in the pursuit of and united behind a common goal finally achieves that goal, they lose what unites them, and without any previous foundations (as all that brought them together was the pursuit of said goal) all that is left is power to be gained, which people will fight to the death over simply out of greed.
' Wrote:Like I said, they still have the goal of hating the corsairs.
Yeah but hating the Corsairs is really not enough to unite them. I mean, gaining independence for Dublin and freedom for their people is a really big goal, simply fighting off Corsair raids isn't.
' Wrote:Yeah but hating the Corsairs is really not enough to unite them. I mean, gaining independence for Dublin and freedom for their people is a really big goal, simply fighting off Corsair raids isn't.
Of course, you only burned their planet and killed bunch of their people then raided Bretonia and shot them again. Totally not good reason to stay united and fight against enemies once they get on their feet properly.
' Wrote:Of course, you only burned their planet and killed bunch of their people then raided Bretonia and shot them again. Totally not good reason to stay united and fight against enemies once they get on their feet properly.
Well, thing is, the Corsairs are not right on their doorstep, there are occasional invasions of Dublin and whatnot, but the 'sairs are not a constant, 24/7 threat, unlike Bretonia.
' Wrote:The first thing to happen would probably be a civil war, because as soon as a group who is formed in the pursuit of and united behind a common goal finally achieves that goal, they lose what unites them, and without any previous foundations (as all that brought them together was the pursuit of said goal) all that is left is power to be gained, which people will fight to the death over simply out of greed.
so true, and that is an example from RL History, unfortunately...
The Xenos are in a different situation entirely, for example, in RP, there are constantly hundreds if not thousands of foreign transports going in and out of Liberty, all of which the Xenos want to kill, not to mention the constant Junker presence.
' Wrote:Of course, you only burned their planet and killed bunch of their people then raided Bretonia and shot them again. Totally not good reason to stay united and fight against enemies once they get on their feet properly.
Digging in the vaults I know that a lot of Corsair players at the time had issue with THIS little bit of "lore" given that as it was relayed to me ( and please correct me if im wrong) that Corsair players didn't actually have anything to do with it and it was just kind of presented as a fait acompli and then used to justify Molly hatred of the Corsairs. Given this Ive never been a fan of the "Cork" excuse, however, there it is.
What would the Mollies do if they were independent? They would need to shore up their power base for a start... they are vulnerable and surrounded by powerful enemies or the allies of powerful enemies. They would need to make Alliances and fast. Brettonia would be an obvious one, More revolutionary would be to actually make peace with the Corsairs (though this scenario is highly unlikely). They would need.. depending on the status of the war with Kusari also need to factor Kusari into the equation as well. Perhaps even Liberty to give them some extra safety. Then... an economy, they'd need one... they haz gold and so they would need to start peddling as fast as their ships could take them. Things would be grim after a war, soldiers would need to be stood down, ships decommissioned, families fed etc etc...
Actually, if there ever was an independent Molly nation for real I would love to see "Beer" being a commodity they made that was in high demand and a good trade commodity, that would be pure justice.