Entry#: 154
Date: 15 - 07 - 819 AS @ 20:46 SUT
Title: Untitled.
The problem with performing a stock take, at least in this business, is I can never know what something might be worth. Sure, there's always raw scrap weight to fall back on but what if someone buys "X" as a spare part instead of me recycling it? Then it'll be worth more. Or what if they trade something else in. What's the credit value of the provision of a good or service where no credits change hands?
Then there's the issue of assigning a value to my equipment, ships and plant. Most of it, despite being expensive to buy and run, doesn't have a resale value.
The Maelstrom, for instance. It is a battle-proven destroyer with an infamous track record. An amalgamation of parts from across Sirius blended together into one single, potent entity.
... But is it actually worth anything?
I decided to use her weight in scrap to decipher her value. The same had to be applied to the Alsatia and my salvage platform. Neither of those two are really in a condition to be saleable to another person - not that I'd ever sell any of these ships anyway.
In Silico, however, being a fairly original and new vessel... may be the only thing in the fleet worth credits as something other than garbage.
After that came the task of finding out how much I have of everything. The salvager is full to the brim with stuff I've not yet gotten around to cutting up, ships and parts litter the entirety of my home here in Kansas and I still have a decent supply of stolen gold ore waiting to be laundered.
Looking at my current finances I find myself needing to get back to work properly. These past couple weeks haven't been the best for all of us and it's reflecting heavily in my bank balances. I haven't flown a proper trade run in _months_. The credits from salvaging whatever I can get my hands on in Liberty has just barely covered expenses but frankly it isn't good enough to "just scrape by".
Especially not when considering I plan on buying an engagement ring soon. And then the wedding dresses... and the ceremony... and the honeymoon...
I once jokingly told Misaka she would make a wonderful wife.
Now she will be.
It's something I've been playing with for some time. We've been together for two years; we've been through hell and back - more than once. We have a daughter to call our own. She's been with me through my highs and lows, supporting me through those times of my life I care not to recall whilst being by my side for the most memorable highlights.
She is not only beautiful in body but also in mind. She's intelligent, mature and responsible. She thinks with a logical and reasonable mind. She is patient and understanding, caring and benevolent - all of these things standing in contrast to myself - as they say, opposites attract, right?
Even though we could never bear a biological child - for reasons which are quite apparent - she treats Sanya as her own. The love and adoration she shows when holding her in her arms is not only endearing to me but also, I am sure, Sanya herself.
My daughter may grow up without a father but she will have two parents who love her dearly - and that is what I want to protect.
I caught myself wondering just where "he" was not long ago. I gave up on him returning a long time ago, of course, however a want to see him again still lingers inside me. At the end of the day I can't just cut someone out of my life cold turkey, I still somewhat care for his well being - if he's still alive that is. Granted if he ever did show up again from now on without a damned good excuse I doubt he'd leave with his life.
Putting that aside for the time being... it is with regret I realise the prospect of seeing my gorgeous little minx in a ceremonial wedding dress will have to wait in the wings for the immediate future. I have a cargo bay full of stolen gold I need to get rid of.