Incoming transmission...
From: ToP Public Relations and Transportation Department
To: Cdr. Michael O'Neal
Extremely high level of encryption detected.
Bypassing security protocols, accessing remote system...
System accessed. System ID: Corona Communications network.
Accessing external mainframe, securing data uplink, executing Protocol C...
Message decrypted in private channel. Video uplink established.
Dear Mr. O'Neal,
Thank you for returning to us on that most urgent matter. As per agreed with Rear Admiral Orias, we would be more than happy to abide by your expectations regarding the physical integrity of Junction, as well as the shipping necessities regarding the reconstruction of the base itself.
Per points 1 and 2, we would more than happy to help. Simply give us the contact of your Engineering Department so as to facilitate communication.
Per point 3... Rest assured, while your friend of a friend of a friend might be hipothetically correct, certain conditions must be met in order for such magnitude of services (namely, a hefty.... generous sharing of material possessions). We will in no way compromise your operation by conducting such... undesired services near your establishments. In order for shipping to begin, however, we require a catalog of commodities, so that we may talk about prices.
As per the "military system" comment: we, The Project (and, on a personal note, myself, and I'm sure many others), thank you. Kansas was quiet, and keeping it such has been our goal from the beggining. Again, many thanks.
I've honestly ran out of ways to say farewell,
Jonathan Cook
Connection lost, system probe withdrawn...
Video uplink terminated.
<span style="color:#000000">The awful plight of he who cannot draw to save his own life.</span>