' Wrote:If corsairs spent their money on furthering industrial growth instead of capital war ships, they would easily be able to feed their entire nation, and due to that the planet is over populated further expansion onto stations and other areas would make them (in the long run) much more dangerous.
1 CAU8 Legate = 1.6 billion credits
1 ton of food rations from kusari = 66 credits
so 1 legate is equal (potentially) to 25,075,757 million shipped tons of food rations to crete.
a single human (from what ive managed to find) eats 25 tons in their lifetime.
so a single legate could feed 1,003,030 Corsair citizens. for their entire life. comfortably. or it could feed 4,012,121 Corsair citizens comfortably for 25 years (assuming 100 years is the max life span)
I dont actually know the population of Crete, so im not sure how much a dent that would put in the starvation marker. however im pretty sure its not nearly as bad as earth, (6/7bil)
also this is just corsairs working themselves out of starvation alone, not taking into account any ammount of external help from food grown, or delivered by 3rd parties.
Corsairs! Laydown your arms and live a peaceful life.. until the Maltese come again, lol.. :rolleyes:
Igiss doesn't approve, sorry. More capitals for Disco!
You also forget that Corsairs also pillage building materials and the fact that when you buy your CAU8 Legate you send all money to the ship dealer. Thus the brave captains in big Osirises loaded with Solaris cannons actually give credits to the nation to survive. Because... When have you seen a Corsair in your Store, purchasing building materials?