Incoming transmission...
From: ToP Public Relations and Transportation Department
To: Corona Battlegroup, Cdr. Michael O'Neal
Unknown encryption method detected...
Bypassing security failsafes, probing system...
System successfully entered. System ID: Corona Communications Network.
Accessing external mainframe, securing data uplink stream, executing Protocol C...
Message decrypted in private channel. Video uplink established.
Respectful Mr. O'Neal,
The final shipments have been delivered. Sorry for the delay, we've had some... stuff to deal with it.
Still, here it is.
As evidenced, all cash payments should be directed to the ship named [ToP]The.Pearl
That would be 60 million sirius credits, as per arranged.
I look forward to continuing our arrangement, and await further contact.
Respectfully yours,
Jonathan Cook
Connection lost, system probe withdrawn...
Data stream terminated, video uplink terminated.
<span style="color:#000000">The awful plight of he who cannot draw to save his own life.</span>