Name: Jessica Belrose Age: 22 Gender: Female Place of Birth: Planet Le Mans, Maine Previous jobs: Miner employee for GMS The Division you would like to join (you can pick several divisions or only one by putting a cross in the empty field):
[X]Council Assault and Security Division
[X]Council Trade and Supply Division
[ ]Council Technology and Advancement Division
S.K.Y.P.E.: amelia.berry20 Short story about yourself: Jessica Belrose was born on Planet Le Mans in the Maine system. Her parents were working as miners for the GMS on the Senonches Mining Facility close to Le Mans. They always wanted her daughter to do the same when she gets older. Lastly, exactly that was what happened. Jessica more or less got forced to start a career as miner. She never was a fan of this kind of work. She simply disliked it. Her parents were promoted in the next following days, after Jessica has been accepted as employee for GMS, and have been told to go to another facility to work there. Jessica has never seen or heard of her parents again and used this chance to run away and to search something that would suit her more. She considered joining the Gallic Royal Forces but after she had witnessed the oppression and unfairness for civilian workers, she decided to fight for another cause. The cause of the Council.