Dam buggers uh? They got guns and use em.... and managed to gotha.
Why da hell ya gone to da squaddie battleshrimp ? Dunt ya know it got big guns.
Ya man yaself put your Pod on autopilot, get some sleep meanwhile, I am hopin ya got a bottle of somethin' for da long way home aye....
After 'dat ya report yaself to da training facilities, ya will bust ya arse, Mollys are not rich ya know even if we had a lot of gold'n' stuff we could not give ya every day new ship 'dat ya could loose easy Lad...
Ya would need some serous trainin, now when ya pod reach Arra ya go to take shower and then straight to da training facilities, ya got da other recruit with ya too, read da basic Molly Manual Lads, if ya are not sure in yar pilotin skills dunt fly alone there- next time they might get ya Pod and bring ya to prison with a life sentence,or even worst- put ya on service to clean somethin on some of da front line battlebricks- ya would die in painful death killed by Gallic invaders... think bout it.
Next time think bit more before reportin' stuff. Shame on ya to loose versus transport vessel.
We could not care less if ya lost ya bots and bats but loosin da ship is a waste indeed. Put ya report straight- wut GB do ya have any guncams? Wut moiners with wut kinda ships? Do they have call-designs so we could get em next time? Try to be more specific next time lad. Bring some constructive stuff here please. Not just a random mixture of words, I know ya could be drunk but I am sure ya can do better.
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(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)