Alright. I'm working on updating the Gallic Border Worlds rumors. I'm going to have some of you help me out so that we can see what you can do.
Pancakes: Send me 6 rumors for the bases that were formerly Council and are GRN in 4.86.
Maximus: Send me 6 rumors from an Outcast that are Gallia related.
Pilgrim: Send me 6 rumors for the Union Corse.
Shagohad: Send me 6 rumors for the Royal Navy.
Mao: Send me 6 rumors for the Brigands.
General Guidelines
~Do not write rumors that are time sensative. Saying something happened "recently" or "last year" will make the rumor out of date in future updates. This means, we'll have to update it at that time, keeping track of time sensative rumors is a headache and something we don't want to do.
~Rumors tend to be 3 to 5 sentences long. If you wish to write a rumor that is longer, split it up into multiple rumors.
~Do not write any rumor regarding trade.
~Generally writing a rumor that describes the function of a base, the function of the NPC saying the rumor, about the history of the faction or base, and interfaction relationships are a good idea. Typically, you will not be writing rumors that are specific to a base, but if you want to for this, be sure to note which base you are writing the rumor for. Same for a NPC, tell me which base you envision him to be on. No more than one rumor out of the 6 I asked for are to be specific to a base/NPC. We're seeking general rumor writers.
~Read the current in game rumors for the factions that are assigned to get an idea of what is required.
~Do not use the ; symbol at all. If you refer to a jump gate by name, for example the California Jump Gate, capitalize the words jump gate. If you do not refer to it by name, do not capitalize them. Same with jump holes.
~ALL submissions need to be sent via forum PM to me (Daedric).