Previous Jobs: LPI secondary officer for like two months now
I know every section, paragraph and note of the Liberty Law and I got used to inform Libertonians and visitors about their rights and duties.
Fighting skills self-assessment(Rating 1-10, while 10 is best):
Fighter: 6
Bomber: 5
Brief Biography:
Grown up at Planet Erie, I was first working as a helium miner in a business ran by my family. Meanwhile I was studying sirius history and sirius law ony my own. When my parents got divorced and our business collapsed, I decided to start up on my own. At first I felt lost, so I decided to join the Navy forces to get started. For reasons I won't want to go into detail here, I got shifted to the voluntary LPI forces. To not leave this matter completely open for imagination: Some Navy capital ship commanders did not agree to my interpretion of liberty law and especially the liberty trade embargo.
At the LPI voluntary forces I found a friend called Andre Victorious. He introduced me to the LPI and agreed to my comprehension of the law. He showed me that there are other ways then just shooting everyone who appears to be hostile.
I liked the idea to be a friend and helper, defender of every civilian regardless of his origin. I began to start living up for this, supporting the ones who got caught in destitution while fighting off the ones who dare to threaten their freedom.
Recent activities:
So far I only took part in one patrol with other "LPI-"-represantitives. Most of the time I am patroling alone or watching traffic at Planet Manhattan, Riverside Station and Planet Houston. Sometimes I am working with the Navy, performing remote scans for them to hunt down smugglers. Once I was under command of some LN-Forces to fight off an invasion attempt by Rheinland.
Reasons for Joining: I want to carry on with my dedication to justice and the welfare of the Republic. But I have the feeling I have reached a point, where I can't move on single-handed. The best thing to do in this case would be joining the primary LPI forces.