Incoming Transmission
Recipient(s):All Members of the Slavers Union and their Allies Comm ID: Xavier Talbot
Alright men, as you've all probably already heard, Seth has given me permission to start an escort group for the more messy runs and who knows what in the future.
And you all know of what my restrictions are. That said, I want you all to check every head that enters your hold for a military background and keep me informed as to what turns up.
As it stands I still need to do some trafficking to get the funds together to equip them due to Seth's lack of faith in our need for them, so this is a preliminary assessment of what we've been bringing in for product.
Currently the Gentleman is in the docks for some minor repairs and systems overhauls, so this is not an urgent request.
Talbot out.
Transmission Ends.
(ooc: Once I get some cash together I'll be making an official recruitment post, I just thought I'd offer the spots up to Union members first. And I seriously hate dialup, the new mod version is going to take me hours to download.)
Trygg.Skottkonoung (Mercenary and Gun for Hire)
{SU}DeprivedGentleman (Slave ship under command of Xavier Talbot)
{SU}Xavier.Talbot (Second in command of the Slavers Union, in his personal ship)