' Wrote:Just thought of something. Given the importance of Blood Diamonds shipping for many Rheinland factions, it's kinda weird to see them missing from the list. By many factions i mean Hessians, LWB, Unioners and Rogues at the very least. Junkers too, perhaps.
I guess some BWTs/Ragnars/Behemoths/PTs/PTrs with BDs could fly around a bit, from O-47 to Dresden, or from Dresden to, say... er... system with Pacifica, from Pacifica to Dawson base, or all of it, or different combinations.
The LWB, Bundschuh, Unioners, and Hessians do not have any transport models for their shiplines, unless I missed it. This is why they don't have transport smugglers like the OC, LR, etc.
' Wrote:I'm going to guess that there are two types of cargo for NPCs. Persistent and Dynamic. Dab is listing what you will always find on these NPCs (persistent). The dynamic cargo probably changes, as its name would imply.
Could be wrong, I've no idea, that is just what I think.