First off, we specifically clarified that we were NOT affiliated to the {R} tagged ships and their dealings were not our concern. Not that we'd shoot you.
Second, we cleared up the deal that happened over 3 months ago with entering Dublin. That was why secondary negotiations were brought up in the first place.
Third, I have explained to you that the last transmission was forgotten, the last two weeks of college are very hectic and such things happen.
Forth, not once in 9 days did you bump the thread, PM me, or any of our members. As you can see, as soon as you made a reply to it, I saw it in the Com Channel again, REMEMBERED and replied to it that very day. inRP our fellas would have responded right away, but due to RL issues it was buried and forgotten, and instead of seeing if perhaps there was a reason for a 9 day buried thread not being replied you, you bring it back up with a declaration of a decision.
Fifth, you did not give Ka`zilth a chance to come back, you kept CDing all of us as we slowly escaped, him being the last one remaining. You did the same thing to me once in Gamma.
Sixth, now that we've clarified that is was you on your Molly. Perhaps we should bring up the fact that, I escaped your Molly bomber, then 5 mins later you are on your Corsair Battleship attacking us?