' Wrote:I imagine either one of your posts would have carried any weight at all, rather than none, if you had gone through a process of removing ship permissions on the touted consensual buyout trial on a per case basis rather than simply deciding to remove the list in its entirety.
The CR has decided that their ships will be exclusively their own. All events which have taken place are to secure that objective.
The CR has been looking for a means by which to kick persons out of their future ships for some time. The original plan was to simply inform everyone that the permissions applied retroactively to the IMG, that the money the CR was pocketing selling ships was going to fall on the shoulders of another faction.
In fact, this entire thread skylines some of the best first attempts by the CR to subvert the hole into which they had sunk themselves: http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=94069 in addition to hard responses to their exposed conspiracy to capitalize on gains they never intended to pay out on. Namely to sell sell sell and allow someone else to deliver.
The end result is that they were told what they could and could not do. The CR decided that was not to their liking. Plan B was obviously to simply do what the CR does best, break the rules and see how bad the fallout is. The last time they gained enough attention the response was a rather flaccid mass jailing of the entire faction. This time I imagine it's going to be a little more. A notion I feel comfortable in making in light of the efforts they're employing to muddy the issue, play a ragged victim card and the time honored tradition of simply lying and hoping that the admin team will lack a coherent manner in which to progress.
Or, for the tl;dr crowd:
I would ask exactly how you presume to know every thought that the CR has had?
Considering the CR is made up of well, people, you are presuming to know exactly what others are thinking.
When was the last time folks presumed to know exactly what you were thinking?
The Dusty has decided that his forums would be exclusively his own. All events which have taken place are to secure that objective.
The Dusty has been looking for a means by which to remove bad persons from his forums for some time. The original plan was to simply inform everyone that these people are bad peoples.
In fact, the past post skylines some of the best <strike>first</strike> attempts by the Dusty to subvert the hole into which they had sunk themselves. The hard responses to their exposed conspiracy to capitalize on gains he had never intended to return. Namely to troll troll troll and burn others ideas.
The end result is that he was told what he could and could not do. The Dusty decided this was not to his liking. Plan B was obviously to simply do what the Dusty does best, troll until the other side is drowned in their presumed nastiness. The last time he gained enough attention the response was a rather flaccid ignoring. This time I imagine that it's going to be a little less. A notion I feel comfortable in making in light of the efforts they're employing to muddy the issue, play a humorous harmless independent observer card and the time honoured tradition of simply making stuff up and hoping the community will lack the coherent manner in which to question it.
Or for the tl;dr crowd:
Quote: When doubting someone, presume nasty things and throw them out as facts. Especially when they appear to be doing the complete opposite of said nasty things.
I'm not actually arrogant enough to assume to know what you want or what you have spent the past months planning.
You could've been doing anything, including planning a party just for the CR and everyone who hasn't agreed with all you've said.
Anything at all to be honest, I have no idea and I'm not going to try guess.
Clearly the CR is doing a terrible thing though and we must be stopped!
We're giving people money for ships they most likely don't have, or will most likely get rid of.
Next we're going to commit the worst atrocity in history.
We're going to start an orphanage.