' Wrote:Yes, clearly the issue of a faction deleting its tech permission chart in violation of server rules is a Reaver Conspiracy.
That the CR continued to grant tech permissions following the rules change has nothing to do with it, I'm sure. Nor does any of the statements of intent, a mere fraction of which were provided in the link I placed above. Nor do the slurry of delightfully conflicting statements concerning the rhyme or reason behind this recent mishap showcase an aim and purpose of misdirection and personal satisfaction at the cost of crede and community.
Clearly. It's a Reaver Conspiracy.
Reaver Conspiracy?
I'll have you know this was entirely cooked up in the brewing pot of the CR's death castle fortress.
Alongside our constant attacks on roleplay and our destruction of the community, we've been fiendishly devising various completely obvious but oh so dastardly ways to steal everyones ships. Then we thought to make it even more fiendish, we'd cause a fuss over it to get more publicity so our recruitment and activity goes up!
Oh yes, we spend our days thinking of various ways to screw people over. First we planned to collaborate OORPly with the Bretonians to shaft the IND. Then, knowing of course that many key IND members were Reavers, we gave the Reavers ships and guns, waiting for when they would of course turn around and shoot us with them, which they did. Once that was done, we knew it was all ready.
We, using my immense developer powers, 'suggested to Cannon' the tech nerf and tech chart removal but critically we made sure there was a delay on the tech chart removal!
This last bit was really crucial. I mean, without it, we'd have no chance to be dastardly!
So, we built up a slow warning system, warning folks about the tech change in 4.86. Knowing of course that no one would listen, no matter how many times we told them. We even offered them compensation if they talked to us about it, but no one seemed that bothered.
The trap was set anyway, we moved onto the final stage.
Once 4.86 came along, we watched all the ships suddenly get snatched away. Working as quick as lightning, we wiped the tech permissions away and instead offered people refunds for their ships, even knowing the tech nerf was coming along.
Then when the flaming started to occur, we still continued on, offering refunds and trying to explain that it was all a dastardly plan from the beginning, to be evil evil people!
But they wouldn't listen. Instead they blamed it on the folks who had been accidently shafted by us, who took our guns and then shot us with them. I mean, seriously? You should have good faith in those sort of people, not in us!
Listen to Dusty, it was the CR the entire time! We are the people who stole your ships, offered you refunds and even when we knew the tech nerf was coming! Revile us! Hate us!
' Wrote:I should make a note that the rules on tech permissions - those being Dieter's Admin Notice - were changed following an incident where a certain faction leader would grant tech, let the player put said tech on, then sneakily remove said permission without notice and then file a sanction report on the matter. The Reavers were in no way involved until the Corsairs were upset about said mercs shooting them with Corsair tech and then not being able to remove the permissions. The CR saw no issue in continuing to issue tech in the same manner following said announcement, almost a year ago.
The issue here is a simple one - the CR has removed their tech entirely without the consent of those who they made the deals with, and have failed to provide us with a reason that doesn't appear to go much farther than "we regret selling all that tech without care to examine who we were selling it to, and now want to undo our mistake". Offering credit deals after the fact is not going to cut it - the only way to make steps in the right direction is to restore the list as it was prior to removal. The CR granted a vast assortment of Nyxes, Pythos and such. Those who made deals with the CR should still have access to those. It is not up to the CR to determine who does and does not keep the technology. You sold it, boys - nobody forced you to. Now you must live with the consequences.
White Knight it all you want, folks, the fact of the matter is that the rules were broken, and the CR has exceeded their bounds. When provided with opportunity to correct the issue properly, all we received was more excuses and blame laid elsewhere. No more, no less. If attempting to enforce the rules is considered a smear campaign, then that I am guilty of.
We have not blamed anyone except ourselves. We granted the tech, we take the blame. That is a given. We were led to believe what we were doing was alright, but it was our fault for ignoring the previous Admin decision.
In any case, if the Admins do insist on players buying the ships again without getting any money in compensation, grand. Just remember that we did try to solve this in the best interest of those we made deals with. Instead those people will be losing money for no gain.