Note to self and most urgent message to the "High" Command: Need more duct tape and/or better training in duct tapeology. Most of the pics I took with my guncam didn't look good at all except for one really - and the guncam seems to be centered all wrong.
But anyway, got on a short patrol today. Found two rogues and a Hellfire guy and helped the Hellfire pilot turn a Barghest into a pile of scrap. As I mentioned, I had some technical problems with the guncam, so all ya'll getting is some lousy black box readings.
Anyway, by that time, Racer showed up and the two of us got on with the patrol. There, we met a trader with a Bretonian ship, blew it up - and don't think you're getting anything other than a black box record either. Alas. Anyhow, we then met a Junker and magically transformed him into junk - not with using very clever word play indeed, I'm sure you'll all agree - but with guns and such. I did get a useable guncam shot on that one and it's a beauty. I'm very proud of her and I'm calling het "Betty".
Oh, and we also shot up a Siege Cruiser pretty bad, but it got some backup from a Dreadnought and such and magically healed with some bots or something.