' Wrote:I have heard several rather startling things this morning, not the least of which is my alarm at 7 AM.
The most startling of these is that the omicroners is
Already gone
Being remade
So Jinx said that it is disbanding but I have heard otherwise from some others, is there any news on what is actually happening?
What's happening is simple: Disbandment.
And the only people able to give a final state on the faction called "Omicroners" are Jinx, who has already informed Cannon yesterday, and I, who is going to do this last forum crap.
' Wrote:Why not just wait and see?
Clearly whatever happens will be RPed publically.
Err, sorry mate, but we're too much occupied to play another multi-player game. Also, it's probably again not worth the time we'd have to spend.
' Wrote:They disbanded for a couple of hours, then weren't sure, then disbanded again, then said hold on, now the leadership of the faction is being given to the gent running the Order.
More or less the same thing as the last time they disbanded but with fewer threads in flood.
Sometimes it's sweet to see the evolution of rumours. This time it's not.
The guy running the Order, I think you're referring to Omicron, can try to support Moebus of course, and he declared to be willing to do so. Basically the faction known as the ZTC/Omicroners is not going to be handed over to anybody by means of a preservation of official faction rights. Anything related to this faction is going to be wiped - the tag, the faction status, the system ownership.
BUT ... and that's a very strong recommendation ... we're suggesting to discuss further matters concerning the RP material of Zoners in the Omicrons with Moebus, and at forst only with him alone, because he's one of the best players we have worked together, and anything negative that might have been tied to the ZTC/Omicroners does not apply to him, by no means.
' Wrote:By disbanded do you mean disbanded disbanded or disbanded like when the ZTC became the Omicroners?
Finally disbanded. The resurrection of the Omicroners from the corpse of the ZTC served two purposes: Giving in to the ZTC members who weren't ready to give up the faction, and to preserve 74 as a Zoner system. Back then it seemed to be a feasible decision, but any trust into the RP possibilities on Disco vanished back then, thus any intentions to rebuild the RP of the faction was siltently eroded.
' Wrote:ZTC? Wasn't that the ZDF? Too many acronyms. Getting confused. Anyway, zoners being divided and unable to make up their mind - they're acting like Zoners at least.
A more modest faction would do well settling in O74. Or OSI if they're even interested.
ZTC = Zoners Trading Consortium, secondly approved Zoner Faction after the TAZ.
ZDF = Zoner Defense Force originally created and promoted by the OSI founder as a kind of Zoner Militia (= opportunity to pew pew finally) during the time of the ZA (=Zoner Alliance)
74 was never modest, and it doesn't have to be, but since it doesn't work for the girls it's very probably going to happen that way.
' Wrote:So from what I gather, Omicroners are gone.
' Wrote:The ZDF, or Zoner Defense Force was a project led by Mudd, which was apparently such a disaster, that whenever you mention remaking it in jest, anyone from back then within earshot will yell NO very loudly.
Concerning the ZDF, see above. Mudd was given shelter and another chance within Zoner teams. It failed, and he became a flashing metaphore for the ZDF, but the ZDF was being assembled by many Indies and faction players from all three factions, who felt this idea to be well.
' Wrote: I'd like to hear that from the faction head if I can Red, as it puts in motion certain things that must be done.
Cannon has been informed by Jinx over Skype. Dab received a PM from me containing the request to purge the sub forum. Del, take this as approval for a definite disbandment. You should certainly back it up by asking Jinx (officially placed as Faction Leader)
' Wrote:The TAZ own a system. we'd be unlikely to approve them a second one. IF OSI don't want it ti'll go unused.
The Omicroner leaders are suggesting to reserve the third official faction slot for Moebus for a few days. Reason: He is a very flawless role player, he is very active, his conduct is far above the usual Disco standard, he was pulling the complete trade department of our faction for almost two complete years (of three) all alone. Oh, and I think he's very able to find new RP ways with the Corsairs, so anything you Admins are going to decide shouldn't happen without talking with him first (if you'd like to be fair).
But as a matter of fact, this disbandment is a clear line we were urged to draw, and thus a clear end to anything related to the ZTC/Omicroners. Any other interpretation would be amazingly biased, and unfortunately very wrong.