Is there an official Gallic Junker faction? I'm having a hard time figuring this lot out, and what their relationship is to "normal" junkers and everyone else in general? And their relationship to GRN as well? I'd like to spend some money and get some smugglers (preferably Gallics) to spread the cardamine across Gallia, but where to go? Which bases could be seen as destinations within reason, if I plan on setting up a contract for smugglers to haul cardi from Torino?
The way I experience it, Gallia is way too contained within itself. There's no real options for OC-Gallic diplomacy, as everyone despises Cardamine and the OC in general, more than they apparently need help to fight their cause. The Council and friends can safely rely on the OC fighting the GRN anyways, and the GRN seems hellbent on just pwning everything possible, which doesn't really permit any diplomacy with them.
That's one thing I sometimes dislike about this game: Everything often pans out to be either totally black or white. If ppl play a lawful character, they are lawful to the point of stupidity - for instance on my smuggler character I had a long debate with some GRN's about how I was actually to some extent doing them a favor by hauling slaves out of Liberty and corrupting Liberty with cardamine, how I travel all across Sirius and see a lot of things and could supply them with vital information and how I was open to doing business with The Crown/GRN/GRP, but the only reaction I got was slaves=bad, you=dead - no response on how I could be an asset to their overall cause, albeit an unlawful one. It's fair enough that they dislike smugglers taking part in the OC economy, but the fact that nothing else but the random destruction of a transport not even heading for Gallic space is a priority is a little bit "meh" (especially when joining up with IMG, which in my world is a direct competitor to GMS, to fight smugglers not heading for Gallia).