COMM ID:Captain Rachel A. Baker TARGET ID:Applicants HARPER & BALASTAR SUBJECT:Primary Fleet Enlistment ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
Captain Baker here, Commanding Officer of the Recruitment & Retention Corps of the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet.
[color=#FFFFFF]APPLICANT JAMES HARPER: Your application to the Primary Fleet has been received and accepted. You are to acquire an Executioner Heavy Fighter upon completion of Flight Training. You will then report to the Primary Fleet to begin whichever duties are assigned to you. I hope that life in the Navy will be what you expected of it, and I know you'll do The Republic proud. I look forward to serving with you, and I welcome you into the ranks of the Liberty Navy as a new Recruit.
APPLICANT LOGAN BALASTAR: Your application for enlistment has been received and accepted, I hope that you'll put your experiences to good use in service to the Republic and her people. You're to report to West Point Academy for basic Flight Training, upon completion you are to requisition an Executioner Heavy Fighter and begin your eight hour probationary flight period. I've seen you around Liberty before, and you seem to have your wits about you, I look forward to serving with you.
Gentlemen, I hope that your transition into Navy life is relatively painless. I look forward to seeing both of your careers progress. Welcome, and Good luck.