Hola Brothers,
I am one of the newest members to this fine organisation;
I have come to you today to report on a great victory for Corsairs everywhere. At approximately 1.15 AM (OOC UK Time) on January the 15th a fleet of outcasts entered our home of Omnicron Gamma and even right to Crete, this incursion was countered by a defensive fleet of mainly TBH pilots with two other local Corsairs who aided in the battle. Under the command of Ivan we engaged and defeated this Outcast threat without a single loss to our own forces, truly a victory without the bitter taste.
In the drunken celebrations following our wiping of the floor with the Outcast scum I'm afraid not only have I forgotten to all accuracy those members who participated but Matei spilt a beer on my ships console, frying my databanks, whilst the damage to my ship has been repaired I would appreciate it if all those who were there could post here so we may revel in it in the future.