New Berlin still has disorganized trade lanes. New Tokyo as well. Honshu lanes are messed up as well, especially to Okinawa and the Sigma 19 gate.
Samura NPCs in Sigma 13 are carrying Liquefied Petroleum Fuel. Seems kind of odd considering the ships and location. These were near the Frankfurt gate.
Aet: New Berlin has it's main tradelanes organized in a ring going clockwise. The exits will always be out of sync with one lane or another - you can't make all lanes do a triangular junction without one of them crossing over. It's as good as it's going to get. Honshu, same deal. New Tokyo, same deal. The fix is done to minimise crossing for through-traffic, especially on systems that just have one (main) lane. Samura (and Kishiro) carrying some Gallic products is by design.