During yet another Lane Hacking mission I found an advanced train with a fighter escort. I asked the train for a donation but fire from both him and the escort was the answer. After I tried to persuade the trader with my Hellfurys the escort fighter became too much of a nuisance and was destroyed.
I continued to persuade the trader, but a BHG Gunship came to assist. The trader made his escape as 2 SA fighters, 1 Merc freighter, 2 BHG GBs, and 2 BHG BCs converged on my location.
One of the attacking SA fighters had a close experience with one of my mines:
Which resulted in a rather surprised escape pod occupant:
Wondering why the Merc Freighter was attacking me I asked him over open channels. His response was "to get some aiming practice". Well, that was ok for me, so I used him for a target practice with my Hellfurys as well.
Looks like my aiming instructor will be more happy than his.
Short time after this one of my guns got blow off by the concentrated fire of the remaining 1 Fighter, 2 GBs and 2 BCs, so I decided to leave the area. Which I managed after some evading in the Badlands.
I made it to the Galileo system without further incidents. Before I could manage to land on Leiden I spotted a Large Transport. Even without one of my guns my remaining Hellfurys convinced him to make a donation. I arrived at Leiden in a scratched ship.. but with 3 extra kills and extra 500k credits.