Right, so, it looks to me like only 6 SF are active, which is just barely cutting it for an official faction...also, there are some technicalities over whether I can actually run 2 factions....so, the thought is, that I merge them...They are both BAF, after all.
So, if you could all sign in...I'm expecting Stratus (admiral), Kiggles(admiral), Dieter Shprockets (Lieutenant), Spear (Lieutenant), Simsonator (Cadet), and Hunter-Gatherer (Cadet)...tell me RP characters and names too, not exactly familiar with you people, and for that, I apologize.
The Idea Hype and I passed around, a while back, was about a political rivalry between the SF, who are run under the mandates of the traditional Admiralty, and the QCO, who, basically, used some quick talking and political ramrodding (and the Queen, of course,) to get their proposals for the fleet ramrodded through parliament....naturally, the regular admiralty doesn't think much of this.
So, I do think there should be some changes, espesialy with the 'police' aspect of Bretonia...we are not in a state of national emergency, and we do not condone martial law *glares at rheinland* and besides, we have a police faction now.
For one thing....the ranks need a rewrite...2 admirals with a Lt each doesn't make much sense to me....
So, if any of you, (especially those of you who have a longer experience in bretonia than me) have any direction you would like the SF (and basically the whole, united BAF, now) to go, or suggestions on how to operate the merger, please speak up, because, to be frank, I'm rather unprepared. Really not sure what to do: while I would like to just suck you into the QCO...You have a long history on the server, and an established system of operation that is vastly different.
Only other thing that I can think of is....Salisbury....and...what to do...
Please feel free to post any thoughts or questions, or PM me at any time.