The Bretonian Armed Forces is run by an 'Admiralty' (who is namely me, and whoever else is making decisions with me at the time, may or may not become an RP group like the Corsair Elders) The Admiralty are all admirals, (duh) and do not participate in combat (that means they do not command ships, people). Ingame, ranks will be: Commodore (commands flotillas) Captains (commands (cap)ships) Commanders, LT Commanders, LT, Sub-LT, and Ensigns.
There will be 3 commodores, as there are 3 branches, currently, Each commodore has permission for a battleship.
The commodores are: Myself, commanding what is currently the QCO, Blunt, commanding what is currently the QCP, and either Stratus or Kiggles (whichever has seniority) commanding what is now the SF.
QCP will continue to be fighters (and a possible Royal Liner Flagship, once they pirate 110 million) only, while the Assault and Defense Fleets will each have 1 bs, 2 Dessi/CR, 4 GB MAX.
Before the Capital class positions are filled, I will want to see more Fighters....many more.
I will demand that each and every player have both a LF and either a Temp or a Champion, kitted out with exclusively Bretonian guns (for the heavies and bombers, a few (less than 3, preferably none) codes are acceptable, as are nomad guns (though they are frowned upon, and I will be prejudiced against a character flying them.
I am not sure what to call the faction as of yet, (just BAF is rather bland and bandwagonish.) and as such, it is open to debate. (keeping the name SF is not)
I am partial to the QCO naming convetions: for fighters [tag]Firstname.Lastname for capships [tag]OneWord. (precedents are Pendragon, Matchless, Defiance)
This is of course open to debate, both here, and in the longstanding Bretonian Skype Chat.