I need you to understand that we gave out weapons to your enemies because of your doing so to ours. So you can call me black, but I can assure you I am white through out. This was settled, we are pointing out that we don't intend to repair relations with the official Molly group due to this fact alone.
Molly's in Liberty shooting our targets is one thing, I would have expected to Molly's as an official faction to respect their ZoI and not become a generic pvp faction as Hone clearly demonstrates on your behalf. We don't don't encroach on your turf, why would you come to Liberty and be a royal pain in my ass for the sake of Hone's meta-gaming intentions? I won't stand for it and I will be aggressive about it. Last time I was nice to anyone about my faction issues I ended up being trodden on. If you examine my bounty board carefully, you will see that I have not restricted the perimeters of our bounty board. So long you aren't in Connecticut, you'll be paid. It is the point of our bounty board for us to hire out of towners to shoot the stuff we can't. We can quite happily shoot who we want ourselves. And as for a matter of fact, your WG are only coming to Lib to attack and kill Liberty Lawfuls, and for no other reason.
So, I will nit-pick and point out the facts when Molly's hit at us about crap that doesn't involve them.