' Wrote:OSI and TAZ have been established for some time and it took that long establishment to finally get our own ID. I wouldn't see a problem with an OZ Zoner subfaction but considering how long it took for us to get ours, I can't support an OZ ID.
There is clear difference between technical capability to get the ID and the allowance by admins to get one, I remember RoS running on NovaPG ID in 4.85 because of the technical issues, such issues does not exist now. The lack of common guideline made by admin team about player faction IDs is the real problem here.
I understand that most of the existing factions would protect their "own" "special" perks because otherwise they wont be own or special at all, but if we look on it only from pure in-game terms TAZ ID is not different then the generic zoner ID with Baffin as guard system. OSI ID on the other hand is better since they can run Caps on generic zoner ID.
The proposed ID solves 3 problems- first the alliances of the faction and the enemies of the faction, second the one faction per ID rule and third the activity of the owner in longer period because people with perks tent to be more active in order to keep them in the activity hell hole called Omicrons.
"You cannot have it because it took us 1-2 years to have it" is extremely wrong self serving and self protecting statement,restricting other people RP ideas in order to preserve the advantage that current official Zoner Factions have is wrong especially such kind of RP that contributes only to the server and cannot harm it in anyway.
When that guy started the OZ thing I never ever heart where is Zeta, when I saw the concept in JZ chat I was thinking that he is insane. If they manage to keep the activity levels required by the rules(extremely hard in long run) where is the problem of giving them their own ID? AD said that the 12-16 slots for player faction IDs are there to be requested by player factions- and here we go player faction requesting it. Admin team must decide under what form they should be given with the clear guidelines that are the same for all factions- this is the only way if you does not want people to blame you for favouritism conspiracy and similar.
Carrot and stick approach- give and take- easy give ID and easy take ID is the way that should be done if you want people to be active. Check the activity of the server, compare it with 4.85 and you would eventually understand why.
Also good reality check would be to compare some older faction requests:
Mollys 35 pages of hate and trolling.
Reavers 56 pages.
go couple years back:
Wilde 18 pages.
LPI 3 pages.
Xenos 8 pages.
By the common sense with the shrinking playerbase new factions should have it more easier to get official, after all you as admins are aware of the process and the system- it means is should be able to be faster.
None is willing to wait couple of years for ID or SRP or any perk because it is game and game is meant to be played not to wait for the some older players to decide if you can play it on your way or not. Why not? Because the casual players just change the game.
my 2 c.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)