jakarta and timor in tau 39 have dublin bar view. I stopped reporting these as I figured it was just copied and no one actually cared. but I was surprised when the bartender on jakarta had a rumour. if you go to the trouble of writing rumours for the people in the bar then you should have the proper bar view.
in this case the bars of bw14_01 and 02
ambient, scripts\Bases\Br_05_Bar_ambi_Br05_01.thn
but I think should be (based on tau 23 being used for the system)
ambient, scripts\bases\br_08_bar_ambi_Bw08_01.thn
the funny thing is there are two bar views for this type of system but one has a different name than usual and it's for Cali.
ambient, scripts\bases\br08_bar_ambi_Bw08_03.thn
so whichever one.
the corsairs cruisers outside cadiz base are being hailed as liberty cruisers. sounds funny.
the msg_id_prefix for dsy_praefect in shiparch.ini perhaps might be the corsairs rep name.
I tested it in game. then it just calls them corsairs raiders. it's a bit better.
so I recently started exploring Coronado. I must say you're all doing a wonderful job.
so I recently started exploring Koeln. I must say you're all doing an amazing job.
some time ago I explored Rousillon. Impressive. Particularly the music on the planet that was a nice surprise.
so I recently started exploring Omega-55. LOL... NOMADS. LOTS AND LOTS OF NOMADS. SHOOTING THINGS. I GOT THE HELL OUT OF THERE. (and I was thinking, jeez I can't remember what that one was from the news. I hope I don't run into a nomad system)
recently started exploring Omega-41. what did you guys do to the star? that new effect there, that's impressive.