I was born in Planet Honshu,when I was 8 my mom died from a flight from Honshu to Tokyo by those Unrespectful "Blood Dragons",Since 17 I was flying my own Wyrm fighting off Blood Dragons,But they came with stronger force,with much larger squadrones,So I bought one of them Gunboats,as soon I shooted my first shot,The whole squadrone came down flying like flies,And then,Now today I decided to Join the K.N.F ,Our beloved Naval fleet,saving our families and lives.
Flight experience:It depends on what ship,On a light fighter I can take down a bomber and a heavier fighter.On a gunboat I can take 4 fighters and 1-2 bombers down.
Knowledge of Kusari RP: I would rate it 3-4,Though I love to RP so I might learn it quickly.